Recent content by O5berylgrnrenegade

  1. O

    Hello from Canada

    Goodbye and Thanks for the great info! Well thanks to all for the excellent info found here but my kj experience left me with a bad taste in my mouth. a prime example of used vehicle woes wrong antifreeze from the previous owner led to the engine block degrading allowing coolant into the oil...
  2. O

    2005 renegade 6 spd bad motor worth?

    Thanks guys that confirms my thoughts like i said the body is rust free roof lightbar and sunroof are intact as are all the flares taillights with factory guards ect
  3. O

    2005 renegade 6 spd bad motor worth?

    Trans is two years old good clutch new rear factory coils shocks paint is very good interior is good front coil overs are coming due diffs cvs and t case are good
  4. O

    2005 renegade 6 spd bad motor worth?

    I have an 05 3.7 6spd renegade 191,000km bad head gasket body is very good whats it worth?
  5. O

    Replacing slave/master for clutch

    Unfortunately yes that would have caused the slave to over extend and break the seal on the piston causing the loss of fluid i think theres a new assembly in your future again
  6. O

    Plasti Dipped wheels!

    That looks great ive been contemplating doing my renegades wheels as well
  7. O

    Raptor lining my interior because wet carpet *****.

    Try conformal coating its a waterproofing product for electronics used alot in scale radio control trucks for coating circuit boards ect
  8. O

    Oil Leaking Behind Filter

    Stupid thought but maybe o ring from a previous filter is stuck on the block?
  9. O

    Loud noise from front bottom of engine

    X2 on the passenger side valve cover its a royal pain in the a** had to pull mine to fix a fallen rocker arm not a good experience once so ever
  10. O

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Changed the starter out and ugh looks like its starting to develop a head gasket leak
  11. O

    EVIC temp sticking

    Mine sticks once in awhile as well but usually only once a month until i shut the Jeep off and restart it
  12. O

    Starter or battery?

    Well battery tested 100% good tapped starter hooked up battery starter cranked once quick then lagged then clicking solenoid then tapped and just lagging slow crank guess its time to order a starter any reason a delco remy starter wouldnt be a good idea?
  13. O

    Starter or battery?

    Went to start the kj this morning turned over a crank and a half slowly then smoke from under hood tonite i checked the cables connections all look good i tried boosting it well it started not that well mind you shut it off and restarted it several times left it for an hour it cranked extremely...
  14. O

    Radios - Head Units etc

    Im running a kicker square L7 in a custom ported box its more than enough to make the mirrors go wonky
  15. O

    Radios - Head Units etc

    Kenwood media reciever no cd i find myself just downloading music to a micro usb and using it with a usb stick for anything i listen too

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