Recent content by Red_KJ_666

  1. R

    Where you purchased your lift kit?

    National 4wd for the OME springs, Action Car and Truck for the Rancho's, Jeepin' By Al for the Disco's, top plate spacer and the Bump stops but that was way back when I was into IFS stuff lol.....
  2. R

    Solid Axle Jeep Liberty

    That's the one RockSpyder built right?
  3. R

    Attention fellow Canadians...

    That is an Awesome price, too bad i am on the wrong side of the country to really take advantage of it.
  4. R

    Would a Dana 30 be worth using?

    LOST JEEPS • View topic - SFA Coming up! Yeah it's outside now...... Drives Nice Find the JK axle
  5. R

    Would a Dana 30 be worth using?

    So I magically have a JK rear axle in My Liberty? Excellent explanation...... I have a funny sound in my exhaust to do you think my High Speed Muffler bearing is gone bad? or Could it be my Flux Capacitor? I read somewhere it could be either........
  6. R

    Would a Dana 30 be worth using?

    The KJ is actually 62.5" Rear While the XJ 30hp is 58.75" so it's almost a 4" Difference in reality, if you dpn't believe me strip her down and measure your rear Rotor hat to Rotor hat surface where the wheel bolts up.
  7. R

    Would a Dana 30 be worth using?

    There's another problem with running a Jeep 30hp or TJ 44 for that matter The Kj rear is 3" wider than either of those so you have to run wheel spacers or live with a narrower front track width than rear. Also RY your current D30A ARB won't work in the other Dana 30's iirc, and if you run a TJ44...
  8. R

    Would a Dana 30 be worth using?

    Dana 60's and 35" tires there's a pumpkin dragger lol I wouldn't do tons on anything with less than a 38", IMO if you can do a 44 do it if not throw a XJ 30 in for now and swap to the 44 when money allows mine will eventually be a Rubi 44 as it's a simple bolt in now.
  9. R

    Canada Parts Online? Is another great Canadian Company, Don't be fooled by the .com Yes they are 100% Canadian owned and operated. TMR Customs 125 Don Hillock Dr, Unit #16 Aurora, ON L4G 0H8 CANADA TOLL FREE - 1.877.503.TMR1 (8671) And yet another Awesome Canadian Based company BearTrax...
  10. R

    Canada Parts Online?

    For starters I am going to point out an important fact here It is a lot cheaper to register a .com than it is to register a .ca So there are many many many Canadian companies registered with .com websites. But wait here's the best part and this is going to make you turn red in the face with...
  11. R

    Speedo Fix

    Here's My Speedo Fix for anyone with a ABS KJ that has kept the Factory rear axle. I removed this (The ABS Module) from..... This the ABS Distribution block/Pump and plugged the module back into the harness, The rear speed sensor sends it signal here then back out to the Speedometer, so now...
  12. R

    My SAS is Pretty much Complete......

    So now I know The Grabbers aren't great in light snow or icy conditions at all, they do seem to do pretty good aired way down tho. They are however not as bad as I thought they would be we have had it out in 2 snow storms on the road and it handles a lot better in the snow (well in every...
  13. R

    Solid Axle Jeep Liberty

    So now I know The Grabbers aren't great in light snow or icy conditions at all, they do seem to do pretty good aired way down tho. They are however not as bad as I thought they would be we have had it out in 2 snow storms on the road and it handles a lot better in the snow (well in every...
  14. R

    Solid Axle Jeep Liberty

    Well today I found out what it weighs 4850.3lbs, also f-d the rear output bearing on the transfer case resulting in a tow truck ride.
  15. R

    My SAS is Pretty much Complete......

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