Recent content by revolutionwanted

  1. revolutionwanted

    Differential Leak Help

    Can I just add some fluid until I get back from the beach? I mean, they've been leaking for some time and I just had the fluid replaced about a month ago. Different people have told me to treat it differently.
  2. revolutionwanted

    Differential Leak Help

    Not sure that I have the tools to do all this. Is it possible for me to do at home? What tools would I need?
  3. revolutionwanted

    Differential Leak Help

    Apparently, I have a leak on my front and rear differentials where the drive shaft meets up. On a difficulty level, what am I looking at as far as doing it myself? I guess the seals are bad and the dealer, of course, wants about $200 per end. Any suggestions are appreciated.
  4. revolutionwanted

    FRONT Driveshaft REMOVAL

    A while back it started, at least a few months. I have not really looked into it much. I guess I should...:-k Hopefully some of the other folks on here will chime in and give their .02 cents worth.
  5. revolutionwanted

    FRONT Driveshaft REMOVAL

    Is the clicking more of a ratcheting/ rattling sound? I get that sometimes when slowing down, but have not located the source.
  6. revolutionwanted

    FRONT Driveshaft REMOVAL

    Yeah my rear seal is shot too. I'll definitely keep an eye on this thread.
  7. revolutionwanted

    Windsheild wiper opinons

    Same here, I have them now but not too impressed. If I'm going to end up replacing them every few months anyway I might as well get something cheap.
  8. revolutionwanted

    Black Spots!

    Good deal. I'm going to work on it tomorrow.
  9. revolutionwanted

    Maybe my best Ebay find yet

    definitely a good find. let us know when you get them. I was nervous when I won a .99 cent bid for a new mf stalk with $9 shipping. I didn't hear from the lady for three days. Started to sweat a bit. Haha.
  10. revolutionwanted

    Black Spots!

    I am starting to get black spots on my roof and near the rear door handle(blarg) Having a white KJ does not help. Any recommendations? I guess I should wax her again soon and see what that does.
  11. revolutionwanted

    Review: Meguire's Ultimate Compound

    Is there anything to use on the inside plastic for scratches? For instance, I have a scratch on the inside of my door near the speaker and it's very visible.
  12. revolutionwanted

    Hella 500's mounting question?

    Haha, yeah definitely not as wienerish as that picture. You know how instructions are... always leaving some detail out.
  13. revolutionwanted

    Hella 500's mounting question?

    The bolt provided is long enough to extend through the front bumper into the front tow hook holes (I believe that's what they are). I used a socket wrench extension for the rest. It's a pain to get the nut on the bolt, especially if you do not have small hands. Other than that pretty straight...
  14. revolutionwanted

    Hella 500's mounting question?

    I mounted mine the same way. Love them. I would recommend a rubber washer between the mounting bracket and the plastic bumper. I have not done it on mine yet, but probably this weekend.
  15. revolutionwanted

    Another 'Hi' From Arizona

    Welcome, welcome!