Recent content by Venom_84

  1. Venom_84

    "Hellooooooooo Texas! Anyone out there??"

    Hey all local Libs!
  2. 166300 679472724234 18304707 37878783 4599622 n

    166300 679472724234 18304707 37878783 4599622 n

  3. 167168 677265986554 18304707 37807274 1761584 n

    167168 677265986554 18304707 37807274 1761584 n

  4. DSCN0704


  5. DSCN0281


  6. 74680 677219290134 18304707 37806017 5162462 n

    74680 677219290134 18304707 37806017 5162462 n

  7. Stay of dunes

    Stay of dunes

  8. IMG 3957

    IMG 3957

  9. Crane


  10. DSCN5539


  11. Random Pics

    Random Pics

  12. Venom_84

    "Hellooooooooo Texas! Anyone out there??"

    Sorry man I haven't checked this thread in a while... I know its superbowl sunday and all, but for sure i want to go back out there.:badger_1:
  13. Venom_84


    I have heard good things about that site. maybe I'll check it out
  14. Venom_84

    Pics of the Lib

    These were all taken on a recent road trip up to see the in-laws in Ark. I just kinda liked the pics, and figured id share.:favorites37:
  15. Venom_84


    I see this thread died some time ago :yawn::shrug: but since spring creek's troubles... has anyone found any other good spots to wheel?

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