in fact it is jeeps version of the mercedes suv .... daimler... chrysler... leaste thats what the JKU guys call it .
edit ... the compass is jeeps version of the neon .
i agree its just something i thought of its reasonable and im due for a collant change anyway ... and since id be doing it myself it would be fairly cheap
Dave in detroit a pizza delivery lady got rear ended by a sunflower and her jeep exploded. literally she died... her family sued or is suing over the ordeal .
its scientifically proven with a complete enginme warranty .. if their product kills your motor they replace it ... i have a friend that has the evans in his durango and all is well hes run it for a LONG time . towing a 22 ft trailer ... its still the same as when he put it in (over 150k ago) we...
i've been thinking on converting my coolant to the evans waterlesss... never needs changing works in chryslers and if forever reason you need to take it out you can reuse it ... boiling point is at least 50 degrees higher than hoat
if the shop installed the suspension .. and it ran fine to the alignment shop .. me thinks the alignment shop did something to it to make it kick .. .and now its either gonna cost 4 grand to diagnose it at the dealer or take it back to that shop to get a 300 dollar part you dont need and for...
my jeep sat since 2012 and just got resurected in december of this past year... sitting wouldnt do it.... something else is. like i said the connector to the coil could be just stupid.. it happens. you said there was compression in that cylinder?
not my jeep but i did this this weekend... bent bumper ripped off liscence plate and now a mysterious charging issue.
yes those are stickers on my windshield... they make me go lower.
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