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  1. twowings

    Jeep KJ370

    I hate you. j/k Man, that looks like a ideal camping spot....I'm jealous...great weather here but can't get away to camp just yet....
  2. twowings

    Joined The Window Regulator Club Yesterday

    Yankee ingenuity....gotta love it!:gr_grin:
  3. twowings

    The Lady

    Hey, MY front down pipe is my old lady's concern and no one else's....:happy175:
  4. twowings

    The Lady

    Please tell me replacement on the '04 is easy.....please....
  5. twowings

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    That's just...*sigh*...beeyootiful! :gr_grin:
  6. twowings

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Unfortunately, this 'free state' has NO safety inspection/emissions inspection so if any inbred yahoo Okie can get a junkyard beater to 'run', he/she can operate it on public highways at speed replete with belching, unmuffled exhaust, shattered window glass (or plastic garbage bag), unaligned...
  7. twowings

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    I am currently at 12,000+ miles on that set of plugs...I'm guessing the coil pak body failed and then the spark arced and blew the plug apart? Never had this happen before but this is my first vehicle with coil paks... We were out in the country watching the supermoon eclipse, so once I...
  8. twowings

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Cleared codes 0302 & 2305...cylinder #2 misfire...gee, I dunno...hate to be one to judge before all the facts are in, but....:happy175:
  9. twowings

    So what color wheels on this Green KJ

    Metalflake gold....when in doubt, go pimp!
  10. twowings

    Solid rear diff cover

    The oil companies aren't going to be satisfied until all the dinosaurs are extinct!
  11. twowings

    Jeepin Labs 04 Liberty

    I LOVE Chicagoland!:gr_grin: JL: lookin' good! Take your time and work methodically FTW....:favorites37:
  12. twowings

    Ironman kit with stock bump stops

    REALLY cheap after hockey season is over...:gr_grin:
  13. twowings

    Brush Guards. Bumpers. Bull Bars

    Holy thread revival! The beautiful Orange Crush with IFS!! Looks good no matter what the axle config....
  14. twowings

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    "But the problem is.......................its G R E E N .................." Easily solved by the Krylon Wizard, no ?
  15. twowings

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    $ 1.99/gal and may drop again soon...
  16. twowings

    KJ Country Server Down Sept 2nd

    So now all our personal information has been compromised and President Trump can have the dissidents among us hunted down and rounded up like stray dogs??....I suspected as much..."you can run in your Kj, but you can't hide, hippie!"...
  17. twowings

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    I can wife's XJ had a very special "Camp Jeep 2002" spare tire cover when they held the event in rural Missouri...and wouldn't you know it we went to the county fair near Springfield, Missouri and some moron stole it in the parking wife still misses that...I hope one day it...
  18. twowings

    Replace Belt Tensioner?

    Good grief! I just got mine today...5 of them in one package! I guess my mechanic skills are deteriorating along with my diminshing sexual prowess and receding hairline...*creak*
  19. twowings

    Replace Belt Tensioner?

    Because you'll break the first 4 trying to figure out how to use it?? LOL
  20. twowings

    Opinions about my next upgrade

    This seems like a fairly reasonable price: ARB Front Combination Bar for 2001-2004 Jeep Liberty - Front Bumpers - ARB - Shop By Vendor Free shipping, too.....

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