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  1. G

    speedometer issues

    Shouldn't the bulbs(leds or not) just twist inton the backside without disassembling the cluster itself? You may be in the market for a new cluster now.. not sure if the dealer can do a calibration to fix this or not.. but if you end up needing a new cluster then you may need to go to a dealer...
  2. G

    Hello from Southwest Louisiana..........

    Welcome to the site!! Always nice to see someone joining km their own terms to share the website, rather than waiting for a problem to arise. Let us know when you finally decide to throw it in 4wd, these things really come alive when they leave the pavement. I always tell my girlfriend the Jeep...
  3. G

    RIP My KJ

    Mine got a hole in the drivers area last year.. during grinding when I was redoing the undercarriage I noticed it.. quick few minutes with a welder fixed her right up though (biggthumpup)
  4. G

    2002, 100K - Burnt Valve - Sell or Keep?

    Given the vehicles background, if it was me personally I'd be getting the valve job done and take super good care of it for 4 more years. Especially being that theres no rust, i see no reason why you couldnt pull 100kish more out of it. The liberty would be a great starter vehicle IMHO. Once she...
  5. G

    2002, 100K - Burnt Valve - Sell or Keep?

    If I was you, the deciding factor would be rust. If it's rust free, fix it and keep it. If it is even remotely rusty, I'd sell it. Unless you're mechanically inclined enough to fix it, then I'd do so and then decide to keep or sell based on your money put into it. But, if you're talking as is...
  6. G

    Water leak- passenger side- quick fix

    Glad you didn't try this.. if you're talking a closed cell automotive foam, that's one thing.. but if you were talking about regular spray foam insulation, it's open cell and retains water..therefore not the best solution for a water leak
  7. G

    High mileage club

    03 3.7l sport has 212,597 miles. Original engine, original transmission (42RLE). Might be easier to say what hasn't been replaced lol but here goes Replaced PS pump twice, high pressure and return lines 3 water pumps, radiator hoses twice, radiator twice (1st was junk, and cracked when I drove...
  8. G

    Window mystery

    That rumbling is the cable moving around inside the door. Not detached, but rather broken. The cable breaks off the bracket that holds the window. What you're hearing is the cable moving in/out so going up and down inside your door. If you put it up the whole way you may even see the cable pop...
  9. G

    Custom Roof Crossbars for a Low Profile Rack

    I believe he meant to have someone line-x the bars, like you would do having someone powder coat them.. you could just drop them off at line-x or ziebart or most body shops.. As for the powder coating damage, I believe he was referring to putting stuff onto the crossbars. Being that it's...
  10. G

    Differential Fluid

    I do a decent amount of dumb driving, not quite offroading but take a lot of hunting roads, oil roads etc.. and get stuck a decent amount in winter so the rear end does a fair share of spinning This oil still good for this?
  11. G

    Differential Fluid

    Appreciate it.. gunna change out the rear bearings tomorrow and just wanted to make sure. Gotta stop and pick up the seals after work though and a tube of rtv then I'll be ready.
  12. G

    Differential Fluid

    That's what I figured, but every thread on here says to use 80-90
  13. G

    Differential Fluid

    Does everyone's manual say 75-90 but run 80-90? Or does mine just say 75 cuz it's 2wd and no trak-lok? Only difference I could really think of. Picked up valvoline 80-90 but checked the manual after and realized I may have been wrong last time too lol just curious
  14. G

    Rear glass lift struts

    I've been running cheap ones of eBay for over 2 yesrs, think I paid 17 for the rest and 24 for the hood struts if I remember correctly. Still work perfectly, rear glass might be a little harder to close than you expect though lol
  15. G

    New to KJ: CEL Misfire #4

    Glad you got your problem sorted, hope the Jeep stays running good! Ps.. if it wasn't the coils, I hope you held onto the OE ones.. I'm running duralast ones, but will admit that worn oem ones are likely still just as good, or better, than the knock offs
  16. G

    May buy this 2005 Jeep Liberty

    Notice though that I said backup vehicle..not backup car. And also didn't say all of us drive them as backups.. alot.. as there are alot in this site who don't drive their jeep daily. I drive it to work 3-4 days a week or whenever I don't wanna drive my car.
  17. G

    May buy this 2005 Jeep Liberty

    This seem like a red flag to anybody else??
  18. G

    2 random questions - more tread in front/rear? & cell phone mount?

    That's weird that they wouldn't do it.. id just do it myself.. and yes, higher tread in the rear.. though with the winter months gone it won't matter quite so much. Can't help with the cell mount though, I just use my cup holder :D
  19. G

    What do people think on Synthetic Motor Oil

    If I ran synthetics I might be a little less stringent, but I have to do it at 3k or I can't stop thinking about it lol..
  20. G

    Preventive fan clutch swap?

    If it works, it works ;)