Search results

  1. LibertyFever

    Vibration from rear?

    My company vehicle is a 2013 Dodge Minivan. Since I picked it up a month ago it's had a bad vibration at highway speeds. Immediately i suspected an imbalanced wheel. I've had this happen before. I took it to the dealership (it's still under warranty) for them to balance all four wheels. I was...
  2. LibertyFever

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Today I drove my KJ out of a snow bank for a drive around the block. Then I cleaned a month's worth of snow off of the roof & hood. It was nice to drive it again. I miss my KJ. I haven't been able to drive it because it needs some bodywork to pass an inspection to make it road worthy. Sent...
  3. LibertyFever

    cut down terraflex bumpstops?

    I've notched my extended bumpstops to prevent the zerk grease fitting from snapping off. I have an 04 Liberty (a gasser) with a 2.5" spacer lift and JBA UCA's. Since installing the new UCA's I haven't flexed my suspension enough to make contact with the bumpstops. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. LibertyFever

    Loose Lug Nuts?

    I've gone to my dealership for replacement lugnuts but after learning the price of the original stock ones (I think $12 each) the parts guy showed my an equivalent lugnut for far less. Has anybody ever used Locktite on their lugnuts? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. LibertyFever

    EVIC forgetting settings?

    My EVIC occasionally does the same thing, it switches from US to Metric while I'm driving so doubt it's the battery. But mine doesn't loose anything else. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. LibertyFever

    Budget Lift

    I have to agree with tommudd. I have a Daystar spacer lift on my 04 Liberty. Without extended bumps tops my stock shocks failed once and I have become proficient at replacing upper control arms. I've since upgraded to JBA upper control arms which are designed for lifted Liberty's. I recommend...
  7. LibertyFever

    Jeep liberty towing package

    My 04 Liberty has the trailer package. To the best of my knowledge the springs & shocks are no different from the stock Liberty. I've installed Rancho RS5000 shocks in the rear of my Liberty. I believe they are suitable for lifted Liberty's, they have more travel than stock shocks. Sent from...
  8. LibertyFever

    Front Differential Breather Hose Questions

    There isn't very much pressure in the diff so a simple tie wrap or a pipe clamp should do. Did you lose the valve at the top of the vacuum line? I've heard of people using a small fish tank aerator filter at the top of the vacuum line. And yes, if I were you and I had removed the vacuum line...
  9. LibertyFever

    Hello from a Northern Neighbour (yes there's a u in neighbour)

    Welcome to the addiction known as Jeep. Remember what it stands for; Just Empty Every Pocket :-D So where are you in the Great White North? I too spell it as neighbour, heck I might be your neighbour. I live in northern NB. Regarding your driveline noise. All I can recommend is to crawl under...
  10. LibertyFever

    Brake issue (I think)

    I've had disc brake calibers seize before causing the rotors to overheat but that was after replacement of my brake pads. Do you think maybe you accidentally sprayed your exhaust with brake fluid? Please let us know what you find. We're now interested. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  11. LibertyFever

    Gear ratio

    Isn't it stamped into the carriers? The next time you have your diff cover off you can look for it. sent from my Galaxy SIII & Tapatalk4 beta
  12. LibertyFever

    severe rust. sigh.

    Last year I had the very same problem. I dealt with the rust by sanding down my rocker panels beneath the doors and repaired the area. This year I noticed more surface rust. When I examined it more closely I realized that it was rusted completely through. With my vehicle inspection coming up...
  13. LibertyFever

    kj04libby's Jeep!

    Okay I like what you've done with the door pillar gauge pod. But a have a few questions. Just why did you have to customize it? Was it meant for another vehicle? Where did you buy it? The gauges you chose we're voltage, temperature and pressure. Are you trying to monitor the water temp and...
  14. LibertyFever

    Re Gearing After Lifting - Need Some Education

    Very good guys, I must concede to your opinions because you clearly have more experience than I do. I've regeared a YJ before. It wasn't that difficult but on a Liberty how do you get the front carrier out? Drop the entire center diff housing? Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  15. LibertyFever

    first jeep

    Welcome to the addiction, seriously it is an addiction. Seven years ago I bought an 04 Liberty Sport with the intention of using it to tow a travel trailer. I never knew of the Jeep lifestyle. Since putting my Liberty into 4WD I fell in love with everything Jeep. The best advice I can give you...
  16. LibertyFever

    Re Gearing After Lifting - Need Some Education

    IMO if you lift your Jeep and increase the tire size from a stock 28" tall to 31" tall regearing isn't really necessary. However if you increase the tire size from a stock 28" tall to 33" tall then yes regearing would be necessary. I have a YJ running on 33" tall tires. Regearing to 4.88's was...
  17. LibertyFever

    What do you tow with your 5K lb cap'y KK?

    I'm not familiar with the KK's, what engine/transmission combination is used? On my KJ I turn off the transmission overdrive while towing to prevent transmission overheating and leave it on cruise control.
  18. LibertyFever

    WTB Replacement Rad Fan, Electric

    Okay, earlier this week I was driving past a wrecking yard so I stopped in and picked up a used electric rad fan ($125). This weekend I'll drop it in see if it improves my engine cooling. sent from my Galaxy SIII & Tapatalk4 beta
  19. LibertyFever

    HOW TO: Install an EVIC or OTIS (overhead computer)

    Sounds like you tied into the wrong wiring for the dash light. Let me check my drawings and I'll PM you. sent from my Galaxy SIII & Tapatalk4 beta
  20. LibertyFever

    Hot engine starting problem

    This summer I've been experiencing overheating issues with my 04 KJ Sport. The rad cap never blows but I notice the water temperature climbing and like you it's sometimes difficult to start. When my water temp is about 110 C when the problem appears. My Liberty has the HD cooling package also...