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  1. G

    Rack and pinion leak

    You could try the stop leak I suppose if you say you've got nothing to lose.. But if it were my money, I'd rather spend it on some oem o-rings for the hoses and see if that doesn't remedy the problem.
  2. G


    Pretty sure you're supposed to take both terminals off the battery and leave them taped together(off the battery of course) for an hour..
  3. G

    Took a really hard hit to the passenger side front - Rattling now

    Grade 8 bolts I'd imagine..especially being that it's your suspension.. You could look for grade 8.2 bolts as well, but I'm pretty sure they're the same tensile as a grade 8 bolt.
  4. G

    Inside Frame rust prevention

    If you actually read what I said, I mentioned the want to get inside the frame. Try searching for a 3m wax based corrosion protection spray with a wand. It's just a canister, that rather than having a spray nozzle, has an 18" wand. The wand has 360° spray as well so there's no need to rotate...
  5. G

    Inside Frame rust prevention

    3m makes a wax based corrosion protection that comes with a wand, much like fluid film, but I've never been a fan of fluid film... don't think garage floors are much of a fan of it either..
  6. G

    Speedo not working

    Just pop the sensor back off the differential, connect a dvom, and turn the key to on and see if there's voltage to it. Should be st least 11v. I believe mine was at like 11.67 when my sensor went bad and I was having this problem. If you turn the key to on and the dvom to 20v. If the dvom...
  7. G

    No start after crank & cam sensor replacement???

    ^^^^ compression test sounds like a wonderful idea..
  8. G

    No start after crank & cam sensor replacement???

    Sounds more like timing... but if you think it could be fuel related. Turn the key to On, then Off, back to On, then Off, then try to start it. Prime the fuel pump a few times, maybe it will build up pressure and try to start if fuel could be an issue Spray some ether in the throttle body and...
  9. G

    What's on Your Spring KJ to do list?

    Your list looks an awful lot like mine! Gunna start with the rear axle fluid and decided just to have the dealer check the driveline in phase cuz somethings seemed off for a little bit now that I can't track down. Boomerang ball joint needs/has needed done Check over all the undercarriage and...
  10. G

    Fog light pain

    It's an 06.. just another reason to be grateful for our model years.. reach into the wheelwell and we have a handy dandy access panel (biggthumpup)
  11. G

    Weird Noise From Engine That Goes Away After A Few Seconds

    Not sure which sound you mean.. if you mean the sort of humming sound, is your heat on? Defrost perhaps? If so, try it on a few cold starts with the heat setting in the off position and see if the sound is still there. the following is for if you mean the chittering sound.. Could just be the...
  12. G

    Weird Noise From Engine That Goes Away After A Few Seconds

    You can raise the rpms from under the hood when it's happening to see if it increases with the rpms...
  13. G

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Drove the Jeep to Ford Lincoln and bought myself a new car today :D kept the libby though, of course. She'll probably still get a majority of the mileage.
  14. G

    Spilled antifreeze during heater hose RnR -now a P0304

    Like it's been said almost everybody is going to yell you go Mopar, because it's the smart thing to do. That being said I have 2 duralast and 2 valucraft coils on mine that I've been running for at least 2 years now.. Not going to say there's no difference because there is, but personally I...
  15. G

    Ceiling cargo hooks/net

    Actually sounds like a pretty convenient idea.. Except I would think with how tippy the KJs get around some turns it might get annoying to hear stuff fenangling its way around in the cargo area.. Plus say goodbye to your rearview mirror.. I realize you don't need it, but still.
  16. G

    Spilled antifreeze during heater hose RnR -now a P0304

    Yeah they should be water tight, but like anything else on an engine, they wear.. they're rubber that gets warm/hot the whole time so they're susceptible to shrinking/hardening/cracking. Nonetheless, many have had issues drowning out the back coil under the coolant overflow tank, think it's #6...
  17. G

    Suspension pop?

    Could just take it in for an alignment check and mention youre getting it checked because of that.. might do it for cheaper than an alignment if that's all it needs. Depends on the shop
  18. G

    What is this noise?! (VIDEO) Please help!!

    :happy175: :beatdeadhorse5:
  19. G

    Not much heat

    Probably okay then. Sounds like Xerox G05. I would hope so also lol.
  20. G

    How to use the Coolant plug / bleeder?

    I just wrap a cloth around it while I loosen it..