Search results

  1. RookieLibertyist

    Iron Man vs. OME Lift

    Which is better? The ironman is cheaper which leans me towards it. Ive heard great things about both but which is really better? Whats the true lift height on both as well as I have heard the OME is closer to 2.5" and not 1.5" as advertised? I want to get around 2" lift from stock as Im...
  2. RookieLibertyist

    Really Dumb Question

    To do a lift do I absolutely have to do both front and rear shocks and springs? or can i get a good result doing some combination of those? Im working on getting OME Bilsteins but If i only need to, hypothetically and rhetorically, say front springs and rear shocks why not only do that...
  3. RookieLibertyist

    I want more speakers

    Hello all, I've been working on making the perfect sound system for my Kj. What I want to do is mount a second set of coaxials in the front doors right above the stock hole. Has anyone done this and could they tell me how they did it? I plan on just cutting into the metal and simply...
  4. RookieLibertyist

    Help ignition won't turn help

    So I backed my liberty out of the garage today to wash it. When I finished I hopped in and went to turn the key and it won't turn. The steering wheel is locked and my remote start doesn't work. I can use the accessory but I can't start the thing. Any ideas?
  5. RookieLibertyist

    more concerns

    two things here...maybe three 1. when accelerating and even while driving ive noticed a sound coming what seems to be my front wheel well or something. it sounds like water moving from one end to a bottle to the other. what the heck is it? 2. when i back out of my driveway every morning and...
  6. RookieLibertyist

    Pullin the curb and, THUD!

    hello all. ive noticed something with my libby thats a bit peculiar. ever since i had the rear lower control arm recall installed on my 04 kj ive noticed a slight thud when going up curbs and a certain angle. it first happened the day i brought her home from the shop. at first i thought it...
  7. RookieLibertyist

    Need help installing new muffler

    ok guys im not the most handy of people so i need help to figure out most things so here we go: i wanna buy a thrush glasspack and new tip to put on my libby. its cheap and from what ive seen so far fairly easy to do. therefore does anyone have a diagram or video or something that can help me...
  8. RookieLibertyist

    Rusty's Kits? Any Good?

    Hello all. Been looking around for a lift. I know OME/Bilstein is the best way to go but I dont and wont be able to get the money. How are the kits at Rusty's offroad? Heres the link: Jeep KJ Liberty Suspension Lift Kits, Suspension Systems, and Suspension kits
  9. RookieLibertyist

    Thrush muffler

    Ok so I've been looking into thrush mufflers and particularly the glass pack because of its being very inexpensive. I would like to know how they all hold up and if there's any highway drone and how much. If possible id like an audio/video clip of it please. And not just a idle and rev. I...
  10. RookieLibertyist

    Need some ideas

    So i wanna do some mods this summer when i get the money but i dont know what i should do. i basically wanna do stuff to learn and become more acquainted with jeeps and cars in general. so based on what ive done could you all give me some ideas on things i can do? first things ive done so you...
  11. RookieLibertyist

    Just a Random Problem or Is It?

    yeah so using an example to explain my "problem". when im going through the steak and shake drive through to get a nice big milkshake my Kj makes a weird kind of crackling (best i can describe it) noise coming from the exhaust. it only does it when i give the kj just a little gas like when i go...
  12. RookieLibertyist

    Unmatched wires in aftermarket HU?

    i recently bought a kenwood HU. and when i was splicing the wiring harness adapter to the kenwood plug i noticed i had about 7 unmatched wires (3from one end and 4 from the other) as well as some wires that i matched but after looking at them they look a lil different. that being for example the...
  13. RookieLibertyist

    What Headunit? Speakers?

    im interested in purchasing an aftermarket headunit. i have an '04 sport with the crap soundsystem. 1. i dont wanna spend more than $100 and it needs RCAs in the back for my sub which i think all aftermarket stereos have anyway. and it doesnt need anything besides presets for am/fm and a...
  14. RookieLibertyist

    Problem or not?

    I've been noticing this for a while and what it is is that when i have my lights on at night and go to roll the windows up or down the lights dim outside and inside noticeably while i have the button pressed. what could this be? :shrug: thanks, sal p.s. i have a subwoofer in the back as...
  15. RookieLibertyist

    I got ideas. now for some answers

    hello everyone! hope youre all enjoying your holiday. now to business. 1. i want to get a new more aggressive and powerful sounding muffler. the thing is i dont want it to be loud and obnoxious except when i lay the hammer down, otherwise just "relatively" quiet and controlled. video of...
  16. RookieLibertyist

    Anyone know how to drill through the firewall?

    i have a subwoofer in my kj and as of now i just have the power wire thats connected to the battery running under the car and back up into the trunk. its protected for the most part (all is covered except like 3 feet of it) but with winter and what not coming i wanna drill through the firewall...
  17. RookieLibertyist

    Things on my mind

    so im looking in things i wanna add to my Kj and wanted to ask if there are certain brand/models that are "standard" for us Kj owners. im looking into getting an exhaust system and cold air intake. for the exhaust system i like magnaflow because they are stainless (though anything thats built to...
  18. RookieLibertyist

    Soft 8s. any problems?

    ok so im looking to get some soft 8s within the next few months and just wanna ask first if there is anything i should worry about. how are they with rusting? as well as any problems with bending? how much backspacing should i get? im not lifted and dont plan for a while. anyother...
  19. RookieLibertyist

    Can somebody help me w a brush bar?

    ok so i want something preferably just like this it says its a mopar brush bar. i know they do nothing and are for looks. i want it for the tougher look and a place to mount some hella 500s. though if there is a bar that gives me...
  20. RookieLibertyist

    Raised Whites or No? ...and Soft 8s

    Ok. So I'm in need of some new tires and when I get some I plan on getting Firestone Destination ATs 235/70/16. They have raised why letters on them. should I have them turned inward so I dont see the the letters? If there are any pics of both the raised white and turned in that would help a lot...