Search results

  1. Searcher67

    Misfires and rough idle

    2002 Libby: NEW: Heads, coil packs, plugs, cam and crank position sensors Compression test OK Leak down test OK Runs fine when driving, 18MPG at idle random misfires spark advance swings from 0-17 idles a little rough Test equipment: Mac Task master OH, there are NO codes in ECM.... If I...
  2. Searcher67

    Jumpin H crickets... I just cannot find the answer

    I have looked just about everywhere I can think of. Short of making phone calls I have a couple of questions: background: 02 Libby; Daystar budget lift ; 245/75/16 BFG's; just bought ARB bumper I want to get rid of the daystar and am considering OME What springs should I get that will...
  3. Searcher67

    Skid plates discountinued for 02

    I called to order my transfer skid plate and was told NO LONGER AVAILABLE! Now I have to fabricate my own!!!
  4. Searcher67

    Hmmm, the only lift for an 02

    I just got this reply from daystar: You need to use kit number KJ09123BK kit. It is a 1.5" front and 2" rear. You can't put any tall than 1.5" on the front of that year Liberty. Whats up with that, anyone have any thing on this?
  5. Searcher67

    Liberty protection package

    Anyone have a LPP?
  6. Searcher67

    Transfer case question

    I noticed today that I have a NP 231 transfer case... I've looked around and found that this is command trac.. Is this what most Libby's have? What is the advatage/disadvantage? Thanks
  7. Searcher67

    Its inpection time....

    Well, last year at my inspection I was told that the rotors would pass but just barely.. So, this year I am going to replace the rotors and pads before I go for inspection...Should be a pretty quick and dirty job....I don't think I have ever had a vehicle that gets that much brake dust on the...
  8. Searcher67

    Liberty TENT????

    OK, if this picture works explain something to me... First whats the point? If you look at the picture you will notice that the tent door is on the same side as the way the gate opens. So are you going to have the tailgate, tire and all inside the tent? The description the ad gives is that...
  9. Searcher67

    KJ pet peeves

    Anyone have things they dislike about the KJ? I'll start: I'm a shooter and the only way to carry my guns is to put down the back seat to fit my case. When we go camping I either have to carry my case on the trailer or I am limited to which weapon I take. I like to take the sniper...
  10. Searcher67

    Built my rear cargo shelf today

    Well, I started at 4pm and just now finished, well its in and looks good. I just want to put in some straps and a fire extinguisher , it could use at least one light under it. I'll put up some pictures tomorrow or maybe later if I get chance.
  11. Searcher67

    Hella problem....

    Ok, as most of you know I just got the new Hellas installed and working the other day.. Didn't have them on except for testing and ooohs and ahhhhs. Well, tonight we took a trail ride, both sets lit up the trail extremely well. Then after about 20 min the bottom lights went out, top lights still...
  12. Searcher67

    got the lights all.......

    hooked up. they work great, just wating for it to get dark so I can see what I can SEE! The hardest part was drilling that fricken hole in my roof and fishing the wires! But, I just went ahead and put the drill there and scratched the surface, I thought to myself, well its scratched now, might...
  13. Searcher67

    Running the wires for lights

    Well, Like I said, I got the lights installed and am now running the wires. I checked out the threads related to this project and found the plug under the power brake booster, but for the life of me I could not find the same plug on the inside!!! I see the main harness then I see the smaller...
  14. Searcher67

    Anyone want to buy my factory rims?

    I have a 2002 Liberty with the five spoke aluminum rims all in great condition...any takers I'm in Lebanon PA
  15. Searcher67

    Got my lights and brush bar on today

    Finally after a year I got the brush bar put on today. I had a body shop do it because you have to take off the bumper cover and I didn't feel like breaking anymore plastic! When I got it home I mounted 4 Hella 500 comets , now all I have to do is wire them up tomorrow and we have light!
  16. Searcher67

    Any KJ's in Lebanon PA

    Anyone out there live in or near Lebanon PA.. How bout a get together? KJ campout? at Bald Eagle state forest?
  17. Searcher67

    Rim question

    Call me crazy, but I LIKE the rims that came with my KJ. they are the 6 spoke aluminum. What I don't like is the fact that they are silver (aluminum). My question is: Can I sand blast them and paint them black? I have a blast cabinet and spray guns to do the job. I have never painted...
  18. Searcher67

    New member here

    WOW, I didn't realize the Liberty had such a following.. I have an 02 Liberty, nothing special YET. Replace the stereo of course that ALWAYS the first thing! Then the tires from junk to BFG ATKO Safari rack thinking bout a lift, but we really only trail ride and so far theres been...