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  1. RookieLibertyist

    Iron Man vs. OME Lift

    ok so i should get everything iron man plus the ns132l shocks for the rear then? if i go that route. yeah they salt the roads in the winter a little too much here in cleveland
  2. RookieLibertyist

    Iron Man vs. OME Lift

    Which is better? The ironman is cheaper which leans me towards it. Ive heard great things about both but which is really better? Whats the true lift height on both as well as I have heard the OME is closer to 2.5" and not 1.5" as advertised? I want to get around 2" lift from stock as Im...
  3. RookieLibertyist

    What kind of sound systems are you guys running

    take out the back seat(s) and do a false floor??
  4. RookieLibertyist

    What kind of sound systems are you guys running

    Im running 2 Sundown E 10s at 1000wrms at 1 ohm. O2 Components front. Jbl GTO628 in rear. Both powered off Optima yellowtop and MB Quart amps 0 guage KnuKonceptz wire.
  5. RookieLibertyist

    Quick Coax Speaker Question

    answers in the quote ^^^
  6. RookieLibertyist

    Really Dumb Question

    yeah ok ill probably do that then ok that sounds good. i did some looking around and what if i did rancho rs5000 shocks with the OME springs? its a lot cheaper considering i found a place that sells all 4 shocks for $175 as compared to the ~$500 for the 4 bilsteins
  7. RookieLibertyist

    Really Dumb Question

    very true as there are a few lifted kjs and trucks where i live. but a quick question since youre the guru of all things kj. I absolutely have to get the OME/Bilstein for the front. its sagging fast now so much that someone noticed the drop after a couple weeks of not seeing my truck...
  8. RookieLibertyist

    Really Dumb Question

    i personally cannot do any of it because i own 0 of the correct tools and have 0 knowledge of where to even start after the truck is on stands
  9. RookieLibertyist

    I want more speakers

    as long as the tweeter has a crossover so it doesnt get the low frequencies
  10. RookieLibertyist

    Really Dumb Question

    yeah i dont go off road. i want to be atleast to stock height but id love to be a little above like id get if i did the full ome bilstein. plus im not experience enough nor do i have the tools to do a clevis. yeah i know what youre saying. im probably going to but i wanted to see
  11. RookieLibertyist

    I want more speakers

    second midrange 5.25". ive got really loud subs and im just into custom audio and want to do something cool. i already have some good jbls. i wanna put in a second component set with the tweets on the a pillars. i have loud a** subs and want to make the full range clear and concise by...
  12. RookieLibertyist

    Really Dumb Question

    To do a lift do I absolutely have to do both front and rear shocks and springs? or can i get a good result doing some combination of those? Im working on getting OME Bilsteins but If i only need to, hypothetically and rhetorically, say front springs and rear shocks why not only do that...
  13. RookieLibertyist

    I want more speakers

    Hello all, I've been working on making the perfect sound system for my Kj. What I want to do is mount a second set of coaxials in the front doors right above the stock hole. Has anyone done this and could they tell me how they did it? I plan on just cutting into the metal and simply...
  14. RookieLibertyist

    Blown Pass Front Door Speaker

    since hes on a budget i would go with jbl gto628s. i have a pair in my fronts and run them off my kenwood HU and theyre clear as can be even at high volume. and they put out great bass. JBL GTO628 6.5-Inch 2-Way Loudspeaker: Electronics
  15. RookieLibertyist

    Aftermarket Tweeters for 06 KJ.

    everywhere says the speakers up there are 3.5"s but really you need a very tight fitting speakers with small depth. Rockford Fosgate makes a good size speaker, but i would honestly go with a component set or just buy another set of tweeters with a crossover for them. Rockford...
  16. RookieLibertyist

    Help ignition won't turn help

    Like how expensive?
  17. RookieLibertyist

    Help ignition won't turn help

    So I backed my liberty out of the garage today to wash it. When I finished I hopped in and went to turn the key and it won't turn. The steering wheel is locked and my remote start doesn't work. I can use the accessory but I can't start the thing. Any ideas?
  18. RookieLibertyist

    Pullin the curb and, THUD!

    thats what im thinking only this recall was last june? if my memory serves me right.
  19. RookieLibertyist

    more concerns

    two things here...maybe three 1. when accelerating and even while driving ive noticed a sound coming what seems to be my front wheel well or something. it sounds like water moving from one end to a bottle to the other. what the heck is it? 2. when i back out of my driveway every morning and...
  20. RookieLibertyist

    Pullin the curb and, THUD!

    hello all. ive noticed something with my libby thats a bit peculiar. ever since i had the rear lower control arm recall installed on my 04 kj ive noticed a slight thud when going up curbs and a certain angle. it first happened the day i brought her home from the shop. at first i thought it...

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