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  1. Memphis

    Posts with Pics?

    Well the week has finally come. My new KJ gets toys. 31 tires, full set of skid plates, improved exhaust kit, 3" lift kit, tomtom GPS, front bra, 4 basket roof light bar and a full set of weathertite? floor mats. Can someone instruct me how to insert a pic of my new and improved ride along...
  2. Memphis

    Bull Bar and front end bra?

    Since I live in snow country and subject to flying rock / gravel, I thought I would put on a "bra" to protect the front end of the Liberty. Question: I also want to mount a bull bar in the near future - will the bra get in the way of the bull bar or can the two exist together? Thanks :-k
  3. Memphis

    My New KJ

    Yes, I agree. There is a certain pride or feeling in owning / driving a jeep, big or small. The jeep name has always seemed to command respect.
  4. Memphis

    My New KJ

    This is just open for discussion fun. I bought my new KJ-Limited not even a week ago. What is it about this vehicle that makes it so fun? It's not the fastest, but it is peppy, it is not the biggest SUV but it can turn on a dime. It doesn't haul the most stuff or people but neither do I need to...
  5. Memphis

    Light Bar

    lightbar Good Enuff for me...gonna order now. My local performance shop will mount it for me with everything else " those who are not great mechanics - drive" \:D/
  6. Memphis

    Light Bar

    Hi - I have been browsing through different forums looking for mention of who has the best price on a light bar for my KJ. I like the one on but just wondering if I can beat the $450 price tag - trying to keep all of my costs down since I am doing exhaust, lift kit and...
  7. Memphis


    Hello Thanks everyone for the warm welcome and web site suggestions. I have already posted some pics in the album section of this site. I plan to keep posting pictures as the modifications take place. With a 3500.00 incentive to buy this '06, who could resist?
  8. Memphis


    I just discovered your site and forums and you look like a great bunch of folks so I registered as a new member. I am hoping to gleen a lot of good tips here since I purchased a 2006 KJ last night. I have a lift kit / tires / exhaust and bull bar planned already! Looking forward to...