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  1. Searcher67

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    mine looks the same and has been that way for several years... I do have the replacement waiting for if and when it actually fails.. No sense changing a working part.... I just make sure that I keep it filled with grease now.. Extra time but still hasn't failed me.
  2. Searcher67

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    I ended up installing the compressor under the passenger seat...
  3. Searcher67

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    OK, Anyone out here install an ARB Compressor in their Libbys? I prefer to install it in the engine bay, and the only good spot is between the battery and the alt. In that low spot just above the left valve cover. Another idea is to install it under the passenger seat. But, I really prefer not...
  4. Mount Adams (I believe) in the background

    Mount Adams (I believe) in the background

  5. Mount Hood at Trillium Lake

    Mount Hood at Trillium Lake

  6. Searcher67

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Hey everyone......Finally, I'm back! Been a long time. I have been trying to get back in but somehow was not able to remember my password: Oh, I have done SOOO much to the Libby over the past year or so! Where do I start? I finally put on the ARB OME lift, complete with OME struts! I got a new...
  7. Searcher67


    Yeah, unless I'm looking at the live data, most times I don't feel the misfires and only once did it ever throw the multi misfire code which led to a MIL illumination. That was right after the head gasket went the first time. Which is another reason I have disconnected the computer. I get tired...
  8. Searcher67


    Just perusing over my receipts : 2 nd set of tires (unless you count the 4 months of Goodyear craps that came with it, then it would be 3) 3rd set of front brakes 2 nd set of rear brakes 2nd windshield 3rd radiator (Damn plastic crap) a multitude of wipers, alignments, oil changes, spark...
  9. Searcher67


    By "minimal upkeep" I didn't mean I didn't more than properly maintain my Jeep.. It got the best care money could buy...I only meant that I never had any part failures, such as water pumps, front end parts, drive train parts ETC.. Tires, brake and oil changes were the only expenditures (aside...
  10. Searcher67


    I have always had misfires, usually only when first starting the Libby. My head gasket went at 120XXX, then again at 135XXX (poor workmanship) (NOT ME, NOT ME). Now, it seems that I am getting the misfires at start up and while idling in traffic.. Although, mine is not throwing codes, it still...
  11. Searcher67


    Doesn't this misfire issue seem to be a habit with the Libertys? I mean, don't you think that if 90% of the Libertys are throwing misfires, Chrysler should be doing something about it?
  12. Searcher67

    2010 jeep liberty sport, first mod!

    Yes, whatever you do , DO NOT buy a Daystar budget lift.. Learn from our mistakes... Although. I loved my daystar lift in the beginning, it started to get me down, so I went with OME gear... Agreed on the CAT removal, nothing to gain
  13. Searcher67

    Misfires and rough idle

    Sorry for the late reply, been away.. Had the Jeep out in the Mts for 4 days.. Running great although I can still feel an occasional misfire. I took the damn computer away from sight, simply got tire of looking at it and since there are no codes I figure let it be. I'll just wait for a code to...
  14. Searcher67

    Misfires and rough idle

    Those plugs are the recommended plugs for the Jeep as per emissions decal on the core support. Which is why I went with that.. Heading out for a long drive.. Will know more later
  15. Searcher67

    Misfires and rough idle

    OK, here is another thought on this issue. Everything was golden last week, no misfires to the point I even took away the OBDII computer.. (Kept it in the Jeep though) went for several full tank drives with no problems.. Then off to work, still nothing bad. Then leaving work I started the Jeep...
  16. Searcher67

    Misfires and rough idle

    Yeah, I thought the O2 sensors as well, but the sensors all are functioning normally. My problems ONLY occur during start-up and when at idle. On the gas, all is great, on the freeway all is great. Power is normal, acceleration is great. I only have the issues when at idle.
  17. Searcher67

    Misfires and rough idle

    WELP, Changed to the ZFR6F NGK, and am still getting misfires at random... Geeze this is really starting to stress me out..
  18. Searcher67

    Misfires and rough idle

    OK, here's an update... I was researching here and I found someone that installed E3 plugs... He too had the random misfires.. SO, since I recently installed the E3s, they are coming out and I'm buying the ZFR6F-11G plugs. I will update after this task is complete! Here's to hoping for the best!
  19. Searcher67

    Misfires and rough idle

    2002 Libby: NEW: Heads, coil packs, plugs, cam and crank position sensors Compression test OK Leak down test OK Runs fine when driving, 18MPG at idle random misfires spark advance swings from 0-17 idles a little rough Test equipment: Mac Task master OH, there are NO codes in ECM.... If I...
  20. Searcher67

    What did you do to your jeep today?

    Mobile one