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  1. X

    2H to 4H and a hot oil smell

    hey again, thanks for the info guys! i am learnin alot :) i had to climb that same hill again yesterday (after visiting the trans shop for a check up) and the hot oil/fluid smell was back. seems it is heating up on the big climbs. definately getting a trans flush service as soon as payday...
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    2H to 4H and a hot oil smell

    lol i know he fails! i found him on google ( they want a $13-$35 "donation" for answering questions... well i declined to give them a donation since his answer was WRONG. not the first time google has led me down the wrong path ;-)
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    2H to 4H and a hot oil smell

    thank you all for your help! one thing is true, I learn from my mistakes! :) I had a tranmission specialist (Nevada Transmission Exchange) take a free look see at it when I made it down the mountain. He said all is well and he doesnt believe the hot smell was related to the 4 mile drive in 4H...
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    My Jeep is holding my CDs hostage!

    if it was backstreet boys then i dont blame it for eating the CDs but is was 6CASH cds and that is just wrong. :p
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    My Jeep is holding my CDs hostage!

    a new player :( fail! so any way to extricate the 6 CDs currently stuck in the player? thanks for your help!
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    2H to 4H and a hot oil smell

    Thanks Tiger! I will check the brake fluid when I venture out in abit. The 4 miles I drove in 4H (part time) was all down hill (9% grade) and twisty. I read somewhere that its best to shift on the level so I was making it down to the level. Can I shift from 4H to 2H with the Jeep stopped? That...
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    2H to 4H and a hot oil smell

    thanks for your help! Sorry just to back up a sec...I am a "noob" in regards to my Jeep /shame ...but the smell seemed to be coming from the rear area of the Jeep. After the shift from 4H (part time) to 2H I drove about 75 miles on mostly flat roads and stopped many times and there was no...
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    My Jeep is holding my CDs hostage!

    I replaced my dead battery in my '04 Liberty 3.7L. Since then the stock 6 disc CD changer will not work. The radio functions all turn on and work fine. When I push the Mode button to switch to CD it makes a slight noise like the CD player usually does when starting up, but then nothing. It will...
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    2H to 4H and a hot oil smell

    thanks KeswickDave... i'm thinking i screwed it. going to check tomorrow morning for leaks (didnt see any earlier tonight) just dont know if its safe to drive or for how far with something amiss. wrong time to be so far from home with no money!
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    2H to 4H and a hot oil smell

    HI I drive a 2004 Liberty 3.7L with 45k miles. Just drove 450 miles fine and ran into snow at 7,000 feet. Shifted from 2H to 4H (part time) to make it through the snowy hills. Parked it in 4H (part time). Next day the roads were dry, drove 4 miles in 4H then shifted back to 2H. Drove another 75...