Hello we are new here, my husband and I bought a 04 jeep liberty 3.7 v6 a few months ago. Well it had been driving fine and one afternoon we were going down the road when it felt like the transmission popped itself into neutral, it didn't feel like a slipping transmission it felt like you accidently hit the shifter into neutral, well we messed with it a little and after we put it in reverse it drove home. Well the next day it did the same then the next day it would only move feet then it would do it after it warmed up it was just no go. Well now it won't move at all. The only code we can get it p0700 That stays anyway we had a p0502 or similar to that for vehicle speed sensor well we changed both of those still no go. The transmission fluid is full and an Amber pink color and doesn't smell burnt. When the problem first occurred when we would start the jeep it had a "whirrling noise" but that has stopped (It was a little cold when that happened so may not be related?) When in park if you put the gas pedal all the way to the floor it "louping" sound and doesn't go over 4000 rpms but that's only in park. Not in park it will red line of you put the pedal down (we don't do that much just trying to get a feel for the situtaion) we have no clue what is going on. When we had it hooked to a computer after we first bought it the jeep threw a code for a "transmission shift solenoid" but that code isn't there now. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks alot.
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