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Usually at low speeds the ABS shouldnt kick in. More so if youre in 4 low. With our WK, the ABS does kick in around 5mph. Going down our hill in the snow is very tricky since were right at that 5mph limit. So the ABS kicks in then stops, then kicks in then stops, then kicks in then stops, makes for some very scary moments. The Jeep feels like the brakes go totally out when the ABS kicks in so you push the pedal as hard as you can(panic since youre going fast down a snow covered hill) then the ABS kicks off and all the wheels lock slap up. ABS is nice for those panic situations on the road(rain and such) but other times it just needs to stay away. When youre offroad and you NEED to stop right on the edge of a rock and ABS kicks in, youre gonna fall right off that ledge. Also isnt good in Mud when you need to stop and its rattling away.