Thank you guys SO much!!:flowers2::flowers2::flowers2:
Sorry for the delay. Cable/Internet went out AGAIN, spotty yesterday and full out today ugh.
I cannot pretend to be able to help you with your CAT problem....although I am a cat I have a CRD without a CAT. [...]I can believe that it could be physically possible which is why the KJ Service Manual gives you directions on how to make sure you fit it the correct way.
By the sounds of it from additional info, I don't think that chatter is a belt tensioner (although they do make that noise). If it all goes away and gets smooth when you disengage (press in) the clutch, there's something off about the clutch assembly [...]I also wonder, Troy, if whomever installed this clutch assembly put the friction disc in backwards... flywheel side towards the clutch plate.
I hate to say it, but by having the motor swap done it's opened a huge can of worms for you. Sorry.
If your engine is struggling and have a P0420 your going to need new cats,there plugged restricting flow and choking the engine.
Easy way to tell is to remove both up-stream O2 sensors and take for a short drive,if the power is back the cats plugged.[...]
I know the manual and everyone say's the flywheel has a curve - I disagree, When I changed my clutch[...]
Pulled a backwards-installed clutch plate out of an Opel GT[...]
Thank you
Billwill, understood about CRD and CAT. And also cats. I love them too

Sad to hear emissions laws are like that in SA. I've known two families from SA and heard it's a beautiful country, land wise. I appreciate duct tape and wire mods when needed in a pinch but that sounds scary if it's the norm there. In my state they only inspect for emissions now. It used to be stricter ie, brakes, windshield, wipers, lights, etc before privatizing the agency. I've rolled thru with a lengthwise crack in the windshield, which they'd slap a new inspection sticker on because emissions passed. But cops pulled me over for the windshield, which is annoying. Anyway. Mine is coming due in Nov so this P0420 code can't be lit this time thru!
Haven't posted yet to LOST because I just got internet service back and my phone gets cranky with forums. But I will!
Thank you,
JasonJ. I didn't have time to check the flywheel myself before taking it into the shop today. Work days until 9-10p in the rain (outdoor profession) plus Lyme exhaustion. But I am mechanically inclined with a very healthy sense of self-preservation. I would LOVE to work on my own Jeep! Learning during triage-mode isn't exactly what I had in mind tho!! But I'm into doing what I can. Like. If something goes sideways I'm the kind of person who runs to the scene, not away from it. So I'm excited to learn how to for my Jeep.
I discussed all of what you guys have mentioned with the mech in person today. He is a good-graces kind of guy. Said that if he mistakenly installed the friction plate backwards, as you,
turblediesel, and
Billwill mention, he'd do it all on his time at no cost to me because it was his error. And that it is an error that is possible.
Ugh, I know - that text convo we had about the flywheel. Undo-button, time machine moment

Today I asked him again about it and how his voice text almost killed me. He reenacted how he scrambled to correct it at the time. I believe him. He said he knew about no-machine down on the flywheel because "it's huge everywhere on the computer when you look it up." There was no sublet invoice, and he has been on point about quoting charges and mentioning favors done for him at no charge before this happened.
I mentioned the bolts, pattern, and torque specs. He answered them all before I finished. Original bolts, cross pattern with the 5, and was off by under 10 recalling the torque (it
was over 3wks ago).
Re: the console. Yep, sounds right. Friend's husband and Jeep mech friend did the clutch job in their driveway then. New mech said he can lower it from above and wouldn't need to do that. I said that could be why it's off plumb and maybe the console should be removed to see. He said okay.
Spot on about Patriots and Compasses = cars wanting to be Jeeps. I just smh when I see them.
I get what you're saying about the law and the injectors. I'm very reasonable, understand people are human, and stuff happens. I'm willing to let something like that mistake go when it's acknowledged, apologies given, and genuine efforts supersede the error. In other words: big picture, the character of the person means more to me than the money. He's truly trying to sort this issue out for me. He could have easily bailed on me and my Jeep at this point, since the original job was completed. Instead. When I handed him the valet key today. He said he "loves this key!" and asked if I wanted him to keep a spare at the shop. (Funny not funny!)
Re: the CAT. He said he had to replace the spring bolts during engine job, they were so rusted out (one shot him in the chest, left a bruise, I wasn't happy to hear that

) So he's going to check that first to see if tight because if not it could cause enough of a leak to trip the P0420 code, like what you are saying. But that crap mechanic who saw it first after breakdown said "it's throwing a CAT code." I mentioned that to the new mech today, he didn't recall me telling him. I probably didn't because I wanted fresh eyes-on. So I'm wondering now if it is the CATs since prior.
It is just that code when I checked Sunday. Was parked until today when I drove to the shop but didn't bother checking again since I was there.
They're the OE CATs. I've 221K+ on them. So if they need replacing I'd like to get ahead of it. What aftermarket brands of CATs do our Jeeps like? I can do a 49 state one. (I did a search and saw one of the members had Walker on his 03 Renegade, TwoKJsBob I think is the member's name.)
sota, but I disagree. They're unrelated. A bad TO in a new Mopar kit could happen in a clutch-only job. A CAT or CATs can go bad on their own.
If that were the case Jasper wouldn't be in business since WWII, no engine shops would do rebuilds or R&Rs, there'd be no market for old engines at salvage yards, and no one would sell nor seek to buy cheap Jeeps needing engine work
A friend and colleague has a Jasper in her F350 since 2 yrs ago. She said it has been perfect and would do it again in heartbeat.
tjkj2002. Understand what you are saying and (simply) how CATs work. I screenshot everyone's replies and read them to the mech today. When I got to yours about "the easy way to tell if.." he finished the sentence.
And yes, I knew about the flywheel curve when I researched it here and on LOST in 2013 when I had the OE clutch replaced by my friend. I failed to review it with new mech prior but he said he didn't machine it (explained above).
Far as I've read,
adamkrz - and I read a LOT when researching - I've only ever seen no-machining flywheel, curve is supposed to be there, lightly scuff only if needed. All on this forum, the Jeep one, and LOST. But would be interested to see if there might be some that are different(?)
Thank you guys again, SO much. You're awesome!! Sorry for the huge post, wanted to include replies to everyone.