The understanding that the customer had was that he would receive $ 200 in cash (refund) AND a new locker. Total value of $ 520 (using the $ 320 shipped number). The problem was that the $ 200 refund was promptly issued and since also supplying a new locker was not properly documented the replacement was not sent. That issue is being rectified and while not something we like to see happen in our operation, it did happen and we have stepped up and taken full responsibility.
No we did not admit the first "batch" was defective. What we said was that the first "pre-production model" (4 units) was built to fit one set of axle splines and we did not introduce them to the market, or sell them or give them away. We told our customers the truth (when like others we could have just said we had production issues) and we obtained a new broach that fits all 29 spline Chrysler 8.25. Only after completing test installations on a number of Chrysler 8.25 diffs did we release the model for purchase by customers.
We sell many thousands of lockers each year and out of those to have one error like this is something that we never like to see. But we have people employed and when you have people in the process you have opportunities for errors to creep in now and then.
We have taken full responsibility for this problem that happened in our exchange of communications with this customer and his agreement with us is being honored 100%.
Thank you for coming on here and taking care of Digger.