When I was looking into the Libby, you guys on here were saying that gas milage isn't too bad if you keep it below 2500. I thought to myself "how on earth will I ever do that?!??"
I have a Grand Prix 3.8L that I've modded a bit. It's a fairly torquey engine, and she'll poop it and go when I want it to, it's darn quick for what it is. Thing is, even just doing some normal acceleration, I'd usually have it up to about 3500.
In the libby, I see myself rarely going past 2500. There's been a few times I've opened it up or put it up to 3500 or 4, but it's got enough torque to accelerate normally without running it up there.
I will say this, in my opinion it's best to open 'em up once in a while. My wife never does in her G6, so like last night when I was out alone in it, it got a decent workout. I feel it cleans out some carbon and whatnot. I've driven all my past cars like I've stolen them, and then seem to last quite a long time.