There are quite a few KJs in my neck of the woods, but not a single one is lifted or has any other modifications. I had a guy come up to me a couple weeks ago who said with enthusiasm, "
nice Jeep, man." I looked back where he came from and there was his own KJ, stock as stock could get. He said he didn't know you could put bigger tires on a Liberty (he prob'ly don't know it's a KJ). So, I told him I had to lift it 3" to do that and he was surprised, saying he didn't know you could lift them either.
I've had people walk up to me in parking lots to ask what it is - I debadged it almost right after I bought it. I see other Jeeps on some of the trails... one guy asked if that thing (my KJ? a
thing?) had 4WD.

But ya know, I see a lot of Jeeps of all persuasions around here that are bone stock or nearly so. It's the nature of the geographical area. Four season country and still plenty of dirt roads that aren't considered off-road, just streets or multi-mile long driveways.
It's a small town though and I've lived here most of my 67 years. I get waves from a lot of people I have no idea who they are and who aren't always driving a Jeep - but most are in a 4WD vehicle because that's the most popular type of vehicle around here.
I try to wave at every KJ, but hardly any of them wave back that I can tell. Cops always wave at me. Prob'ly because I have developed this habit of saluting them for their service. It may be one reason I haven't gotten a ticket in maybe decades.