I'm with Tom,I've beat the living s$%t out of my KJ and it keeps going and has never once left me stranded.Heck it sat in storage for a total of 2 years(two 1 year long deployments,thanks Army) and still going strong though the storage time has started a very small weeping on the outer timing chain covers,no biggie a engine swap is in the future anyway.I took my KJ to it's limit(and past many,many times) with no issues that where not my own dumb fault.Time for upgrading and I'll see how far I can push the unibody before a Exo Cage is required

My manual seat levers are frozen(rusted) in there current place,never move them since I am the only person that drives my KJ,all others will die if they attempt

.No need for power seats,less to go wrong.
I'm still have all 4 OEM window regulators
I have two 10" subs and a 750watt amp so I hear no squeaks or rattles

,couldn't care less anyways,plastic squeaks and rattles, no way around it.
My '02 Limited seats are comfy,made many 1500 miles trips and I have a severly messed up back and no issues.
Never had a issue in the 7 years of ownership putting gas into my KJ.
Okay there is one very small grip I have but it will soon be taken care of.I hate carpet and a vinyl replacement(1/8" and formed) arrived via UPS to take care of that issue.