(1) For every person who hates the tire under the KK is another person who thinks it is convenient and no big deal. If you're changing a tire in crappy conditions, you're gonna get wet if the tire is under the Jeep, behind it, on top of it or inside.
Disagree. You'll get wet in crappy conditions
to a degree. There's no comparison to a wet ground in say no rain falling with a tire on the rear vs the tire under the vehicle.
I've changed both kinds of tires in both conditions. Tire under vehicle was a considerably worse experience.
(2) I don't agree that men have historically liked curves on their car.
There was a time when they did, they don't any longer, it seems.
rest of the car.
I wouldn't slam a guy (or woman) for driving a more rounded KJ, so why should the KK come in for criticism simply because it has a few more angles in its form?
Don't be so sensitive. No one's slamming any person for liking a KK (or KJ), it just seems that Chrysler took a rather original looking truck (KJ) and turned it into a rather unoriginal looking truck (KK).
I believe the KK is
too refined. I'll be pleased when I start seeing them on the trail, however. Unfortunately, this will be a tough metric to measure, as no ones buying SUV's of any type whatsoever. So if KK sales drop dramatically, we won't be able to know whether it was $4 gas, or the new looks.
There is plenty to appreciate in the KK, just like there was a lot of good in the KJ. There is room for improvement for sure in the KK and maybe the '09 might see some of those improvements. Time will tell.
Long story short, though, you are the best judge of what works for you.
Word. Going back to the tire under the vehicle, it's part of what makes the KK more refined. And frankly, it's not just Chrysler's problem. All the manufacturers seem to do this. They make a basic, rugged vehicle. It gets popular, and then as the audience gets older and more refined, they feel the need to make the same model appeal to the same audience which is now...older and more refined.
If lost my KJ in a wreck, I'd be taking a look at the new Toyota FJ. Kinda...curvy.