I've been following your post as I am interested in purchasing the Frankenlift. Pretty much have decided to go with it. Have you noticed any difference in on-road handling? Specifically directional stability, tracking, and steering on-center?
Thanks for a very informative post.
Well, I'm a newbie to 4X4's, and a total novice mechanic (that's why i had All J install it!), so I don't think I'm qualified to answer your questions on any technical level. All I can tell you is my laymans impression.
The primary difference I've noticed in on-road handling is a definite sense of sitting up higher, and subsequentally, an instinctive need to slow down a bit more for corners, compared to pre-lift. I don't know that it's absolutely true or not, but I feel like the vehicle will not corner like it used to now that it's lifted. I think it's mainly psychological. Either way, it doesn't bother me, just an observation.
Also, the ride is definitely "stiffer." But, being that my `05 KJ has 83K miles on her, this was expected. It's not a harsh ride, but you definitely "feel" the road.
As for your steering questions, I have not had an alignment done since getting the lift. (Which was just this last Saturday!) I will wait a week or so before getting the alignment done to let the lift "settle in." So far, everything feels fine. There is no play in the steering, and no pulling/pushing while braking, or at highway speeds.
I did all this bass-ackwards.
I had just purchased brand new tires and had an alignment done the week before getting the lift done. (I know...waste of money...not too bright. idea.gif ) The new tire purchase (245/75/16's) neccessitated getting lifted, as it was rubbing with the stock suspension. The lift was something I was planning to do...down the road. But, I decided -within the last week - that the time had come.
Anyway, I will have the alignment re-done now, but I suspect that if it is out, it's not by much - it "feels" fine to me.