hello everyone. i am so frustrated. i have a 2003 jeep liberty sport. so i have had an oil leak off and on. for the past year. it started after i took it in to get an oil change. then all of a sudden i have a major leak. they said it was the valve cover seal. so i replaced it. it stopped leaking . then the next oil change it started leaking again. they said it was the valve cover seal again. so i replaced it. it stopped leaking. so the next oil change it started leaking again. i took it elsewhere to see what or where it was leaking. 1. the mechanic wanted to pay in trade(my ******* for his service of my car) but said it was the valve cover. cuz since i replaced it THAT IS THE REASON WHY ITS LEAKING CUZ I DONTT KNOW WHAT I AM DOING AND ITS BETTER FOR A MAN TO DO THE WORK AND IT WOULD NO LONGER LEAK. said they go bad. ok but in less then a week it goes bad...??? . well i dont believe it is the valve cover seal . so i took it all apart and as i thought the valve cover seal is dry. so my question is.. where else could it be leaking from.