Honestly, don't waste your money on a CAI unless you are doing other mods that go with it, i.e. bigger TB, better flowing heads, headers or exhaust mods, etc...
In the stock configuration, the intake and cylinders need x amount of cfm air flow coming into the intake. The air is then pulled into the cylinder on the intake stroke. The stock air assembly flows enough cfm to meet that need, that's the way it is designed. It's not designed to provide insufficient air, it's designed to meet the needs of the engine in stock configuration. This is why people often say they saw no improvements when they added a CAI. Just because it flows more air does not mean the engine is using more. It is still using all it needs and all that it can pull in through the TB into the intake on the intake stroke, same amount it gets from the stock air assembly.
But, when you pair that CAI with mods that require and/or benefit from more air flow, then the stock air assembly can no longer flow enough cfm to meet the intake needs. Putting a CAI on at this point will show results because the extra cfm airflow it provides is actually needed, and actually gets used. Remember, an engine is nothing but a big air pump.
Others say that with all that aside, a CAI is still better because it pulls in "cold air" which is denser and creates more power. I say, check to see were your stock intake is actually getting its air from first. I think you will find that it is a very cool source. A CAI is really only better that a stock air source if the stock air source is inside the engine compartment (like the old round air filters on top of carburators). Cooler air has been known to make more power for a long time. That is why they quit putting round air filters on the top of the engines (which pulls in hot air from the engine compartment) and moved the incoming air source to places like the fender wells. I think it is ironic that a CAI ("cold air" intake) system puts the filter back in the engine compartment. At least some CAI's have heat shields or box the filter. The ones that don't are like a step backward in air intake technology. Might as well put a round air filter back on. It would at least give air the advantage of not having to travel as far.
Just my 2 cents and some other yammerings.