These symptoms may not relate to the camshaft/valve springs/valves/lash adjusters and so on... BUT they are symptoms of the vehicle as a WHOLE... I'm not just trying to fix one thing on it... I'm trying to fix the WHOLE thing... and while it is apart, I would hate to put it back together just to take part of it apart again to fix ONE of the OTHER problems/symptoms that are NOT related... Plus who the hell wants to pay thousands of dollars to have the head pulled off and crap like that... If I can get some help, LEARN how to do it myself, I would feel so accomplished and actually know more about my vehicle like I should... I don't want to be that guy who takes his car to a shop everytime something goes wrong with it... I'd like to be able to learn and troubleshoot. Not just for this vehicle, but possibly for the next vehicle as well, or whatever... Also, I had a mechanic friend of mine over to help me out today, but since his wife is in the hospital dying of cancer, he can't quite be there to help out as much as I could use... so I try to look to the friendly group of you folks to lend me a helping hand so that I may have the knowledge YOU have!