Being that I have another vehicle, I'm going to address the problems as they happen and I get to them... but for now, just waiting on a specialty tool so I can check the other rocker arms, springs and such and put the new lash adjuster in... If I find more problems with valves or the head, I'll have to see if my best option is to send the head out for servicing or buy a reman... just want to fix the current problems, run some sea foam through the engine, do an oil change with synthetic oil, check the oil pressure, check the coolant pressure, replace the power steering hoses, since the coolant has already been drained since I had to disconnect some hoses to get to the valve cover I might as well flush the radiator, chip has already been removed, replace the spark plugs, and in another 3000 miles when the oil needs to be changed again, I plan to run sea foam through the engine once more and change the oil... then go from there... if something comes up, THEN I will move to the next thing....