All this talk of offroad cake. I have no idea what the average cake is everyone eats here, but all I know is whatever cake I'm eating out here in the Pac NW, I've left the Subarus and the Escapes way behind, passed a wrangler one day going up the mountain and the driver look askance at me as if his feelers were hurt. Eventually we're wheeling up in the mountain and I don't see another soul for the entire day. One day I did see a very large Chevy 4x4 coming up the mountain as I was coming down and asked him how HE made it because there was a washout with about 4" of clearance on either side of the KJ. He said it was 'tight'.
I've gone up hella steep, I've gone over rocky, deep sand and rutted... the only thing I don't touch is mud, and that's because there's no shortage of VIDs on Youtube with huge, SFA wranglers with MT's lookin' perplexed and completely, utterly stuck in it. I'll leave the mud to the rest of you.
I even went on some trails in eastern washington that were detailed on some other 4x4 forum. Bunch of XTerra owners saying they decided not to take the trails because they didn't want to pinstripe their paint. I was tempted to join the forum so I could ask those ladies if maybe they'd prefer to start a knitting circle next time.
We should all get along and realize that in our class, the KJ will beat almost everything.