Recent content by Patrick McGrinder

  1. P

    Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Connector

    I did it yesterday and it took a while but it worked.
  2. P

    Crankshaft position sensor doesn't fit ?

    Thanks for your help !!
  3. P

    Crankshaft position sensor doesn't fit ?

    2007 Jeep Liberty, trying to replace Crankshaft position sensor but all 3 new replacements do not fit. First one I got from autozone and it was to big then amazon & rockauto. The last 2 look exactly the same size but will not go in ?? The old one goes right back in, been under car for 1/2 hr...
  4. P

    Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Connector

    Napa is where I got both pieces, thanks !
  5. P

    Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Connector

    Thanks for your help !!!
  6. P

    Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Connector

    2007 Jeep Liberty got a P0108 code Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Sensor Circuit High ..while looking at the MAP sensor I noticed one of the wires was completely off. I need a new connector for the MAP and the coolant temp sensor, before I start pulling things apart is this a...
  7. P

    FM radio problem?

    eldredg, Thanks for your response... After reading your post I tried the headlights again and I was wrong it is not the headlights but the fog lights causing the poor reception on the FM radio. Thanks again for all of your suggestions I am going to have to play with it to figure this out...
  8. P

    FM radio problem?

    Over the last week I am getting poor reception on the stock radio, the stations I listen to were all static. When I started my car today after work the radio was on but noticed when I turn on my headlights on the FM radio went to all static. When I turn headlights off the radio works fine. Have...
  9. P

    What part is this ?

    2007 Jeep Liberty..Checking the oil in the liberty and noticed this cable / hose hanging, located right side bottom of radiator / drivers side. The picture is the piece at the end of the cable / hose back & front. The hose is like 1 1/2 ft long and goes under the oil filter but then I can see no...
  10. P

    Emergency brake replacement problem !

    2007 Jeep Liberty replacing emergency brake pads, when I was talking pads off drivers side wheel a part fell off ( picture 1 ) I see how the part goes back in but it will not stay on. Picture 2 is the wheel with missing part and pic 3 is passenger side wheel with part attached. Any advice would...
  11. P

    Fuse 28 no power ?

    Thanks for your help !
  12. P

    Fuse 28 no power ?

    Was working on my other car's fuses so I decided to check my 2007 jeep liberty and found fuse 28 /15 amp ( starter relay ) has no power. Car starts & runs fine, new alternator and battery is good. I checked the fuse with the car on and off and replaced the fuse but still no power. Any ideas /...
  13. P

    alternator amp ?

    Thanks for all of your help, I installed the 136 amp alternator and all is well. Thanks again !
  14. P

    alternator amp ?

    Thanks !