Search results

  1. Bennett

    Buy Your Jeep KJ Country Stickers Here!!

    Yes I have plenty of stickers for sale! I take any form of payment. Check / Cash / Paypal / Google Checkout With paypal I think you can send money directly from a bank account if you don't have a credit card. My paypal id is [email protected] However, if you perfer you can also...
  2. Bennett

    Hey Bennett - How About a JKJ Country Keychain??

    See what I can do... I am actually looking into renaming JeepKJ to Jeep Liberty Country... So I might be looking at getting new stuff made up.
  3. Bennett

    Can I PLEASE have a new user title?

    what did you have in mind?
  4. Bennett

    More Updates of my '04

    Looks Good! Love the sticker on the back! haha
  5. Bennett

    Out of These Three Cragars . . . .

    Black soft 8's FTW!!
  6. Bennett

    HOW TO: Replace the Blower Control Resistor Block

    Yea... Just pull really hard and something is bound to come out.. hehe
  7. Bennett

    This site issue

    I have been doing some work on the problem. Lets see what happens this week. I pretty much just turned off the server monitoring. So that message wont ever come back.
  8. Bennett

    Hydrogen generator in the KJ

    This is a cool video:
  9. Bennett

    Hydrogen generator in the KJ

    Heck I am going to try making one of these
  10. Bennett

    Different site error.

    I'll look into the logs...
  11. Bennett

    FS: Sub and Amp

    Stuff I am selling on ebay: 12" Sub 800 RMS watt amp Thanks, Bennett
  12. Bennett

    Greetings to all from new member

    Welcome!! Bennett
  13. Bennett

    Regional Forums

    haha sorry for freakin you out.
  14. Bennett

    Regional Forums

    Go check out the newly created regional forums: This has been a requested forum and I am glad that we now offer it! as always Enjoy! Bennett
  15. Bennett

    Sfa Kj

    Wow Looks Bad ***!!! COOL!!! :D
  16. Bennett

    Jeep Being Sold

    Jeep is an American icon...
  17. Bennett

    oil leakage from turbo hose to intercooler

    My subaru gets a little oil in its intercooler. I don't think it is anything to worry about as it just happens with turbo motors.
  18. Bennett

    Amazing Teflon Coated Silicone Wipers

    Hmm they look nice... and you can get different colors... hmm black and gold (bling)
  19. Bennett

    Private Message Storage

    Increased to 150. ;-)
  20. Bennett

    Frankenlift - Before and After

    Looks good!! Al's upper a arm looks nice and the angle looks a lot better.