" NOTE: The coolant bottle has two chambers. Coolant will normally only be in the outboard (larger) of the two. The inboard chamber is only to recover coolant in the event of an overheat or after a recent service fill. The inboard chamber should normally be empty. If there is coolant in the overflow side of the coolant bottle (after several warm/cold cycles of the engine) and coolant level is above cold full when cold, disconnect the end of the overflow hose at the fill neck and lower it into a clean container. Allow coolant to drain into the container until emptied. Reconnect overflow hose to fill neck. "
This is the only thing I could find on the tank. so that's it? i still do not understand why it has a separate hose running from the radiator to the tank. or even how it gets from the tank back into the cooling system, since i have never seen anything in the second section of the bottle. in my mind, if it was supposed to work as described, there would have to be coolant in it at some point in time. unless there is a one way check valve someplace in either the radiator of coolant bottle.