Replaced my drivers front about a month ago, very quick and straight forward..
You do have to disconnect the line for it from the backside, in the engine bay.. 8 or 10mm I believe.. pretty sure 10 IIRC.
Anyways I just took off the wheel, take the hose off the caliper side, install a plug into the line or let it hang down into a container to catch the brake fluid that drains out. Then take the line off the back of the block side of the hose (drivers side of engine bay/backside of wheelwell), this will cause some more fluid to run out, cap it or put raga under the end. Then you can take the 10mm bolt off the brake hose mount next to the block.
Installation is reverse.. hope this answers what you're asking.
Not sure about the Napa or advanced auto versions, but the duralast part worked flawlessly and blowing through them when off you could tell the difference in their ability to move volume through them.
And of course bleed your fluid after and refill..