For your consideration...
If you have the stock (2 piece) lugs ... it is only a matter of time before they cause you grief. I would (and did) change them out for any of the one piece lugs (McGaurds etc.) anyways.. even if you didn't want a colour change. The chrome covers can snap off and leave you with a little "nub" of a nut
I've had that happen with other cars. I think I'll rotate the tires and dip the whole works for now, then replace the nuts when I'm due for the next tire rotation. Hopefully by then I will have a little more money, though at the rate I'm going it might be six months before another 3,000 miles roll by.
The logos would be much easier and look much better if you took them off to paint. A little heat and some dental floss/fishing line and they will come right off. :waytogo:
Check, and check. I'm mainly concerned with two things:
1) Putting them back on straight and in the right place.
2) Not having them fall off the first time I hit a nice bump on the road.
What do you glue them back on with, and how do you ensure they line up properly? I don't want it to look like Jethro Bodine did it. :gr_grin:
I managed to find a few YouTube videos where people just masked the general area, leaving a 1" border around the whole works, then just yanked it off around the emblems. They make it look easy. (Yeah, I know...) :emotions34:
Kinda like this:
That guy uses a flat tip screwdriver for the inside sections but the other ones I saw recommended a toothpick. I've got some plastic toothpicks I think would be fairly safe for the paint.
P.S. Let's get crackin' already ... Sheesh!
I'd love to. I am taking odd jobs while I wait for my bright shiny new IT degree to get me the job that was a "lead pipe cinch". Until I get a steady income I can only plan and scheme. Four cans of PlastiDip is about all I can swing right now.