Never in my life did I think that changing the rear diff oil would turn into an all-afternoon experience.
I had no trouble getting the old oil out. It actually looked beautiful, a fact that would come to haunt me as the day wore on. Got everything cleaned up and went to install my new ARB heavy duty cover. Almost forgot the new LubeLocker gasket but caught my mistake as I was starting to put the first bolt in. This is easy, I thought! You always make one little mistake and I had mine out of the way early and at no cost in any do-overs.
Then I had all sorts of trouble with the bolts that came with the ARB. They are hex head (which was no problem) and are designed to be recessed inside the cover so you can't rip them off if you hit something on the trail. Out of the ten bolts I was only able to get five of them in to any degree. I ended up taking them all out and actually running a test nut up and down the threads of all ten to make sure they were OK. This took a long time as many of them were tough going. Then I took one of the old bolts and ran it all the way into the housing in all ten holes. Got the cover and gasket back in place. Dang, that ARB cover was heavy when I started and it kept getting heavier as the day wore on.
This time around I had eight bolts that decided to play nice and two stinkers. They are the ones at approximately 11 o'clock and 1 o'clock. I just could not get them all the way in. So out they came and I did my test nut process all over again. I also used what seemed like a whole can of PB Blaster to make sure the threads in the housing were OK. I really don't know what to do next, though one idea is to put a few washers on the two stinker bolts and be done with it.
Then it came time to fill it. This is going to be great, I thought! Nice dipstick built into the ARB and even had some bagged oil that made filling the diff mess-free. Good grief - how I long for the day when you just squirted with wild abandon and when it started to run out the fill hole you popped the fill plug in and called it good. The ARB fill hole is way higher than the old cover, so if you did that you'd have way too much oil in there. So for the next half hour it was squirt oil, then check with the dipstick. Over and over again. To complicate matters the dipstick is barely long enough to reach the oil once you have it filled properly (keep your dirty jokes to yourself!

), so there was no way to see if you were getting close or not until you had too much in there.
I am going to get some rest and check things tomorrow. Maybe I will have a brilliant idea between now and then, or die in my sleep. (Either would be acceptable at this point. Flip a coin.)