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  1. R


    Hella bulbs....... The Brightest ones that I have found 100w high Beam 80w low beam. So far they've lasted 7 months. Which is decent becaus I couldn't make PIAA bulbs last more than 3 months
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    Canadian Jeep Clubs

    All over the province check out the forum for more details I'm Red KJ 666 over there too
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    Anybody selling a bull bar/brush guard etc...

    I will post pictures of why a Brush Guard is a bad Idea as soon as I have my Accident Pictures available..... When you bump something It gives your Jeep a Hard Kick. It tore out the Steel inner bumper,Broke the Grille(Funny it's a Grille Guard) Bent the rad Support, My Hood got buckled up, and...
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    3.7L intake posssibly fit my 2.4 Libby?

    Come to my Dust bowl and run a Stock filter lmao
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    3.7L intake posssibly fit my 2.4 Libby?

    3MPG with a Drop in K&N.... Enough Said. Some people like to push the product they Like some People don't understand that you still need to Maintain a K&N either. One Cleaning kit will Clean/Re-Oil your filter 3 Times at least. Keep it Clean and it will treat you Right. Also 3.7L and 2.4L CAI's...
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    Canadian Jeep Clubs

    NB Jeep Club, Soon too be a L.O.S.T Lifetime member.
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    Mysterious Insurance Fire??
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    E-Brake Light.

    No Codes.... and it's not the switch because my running lights stay on when the light is on. I'm starting to think I have a sticky Caliper tho.
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    KJ Run in Atlantic Canada

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    E-Brake Light.

    Resi is full and it has all new Ceramic pads. Maybe time to replace the rotors. I'll check around the master cylinder to check for any possible leaks. Maybe at that angle it tells itself that there is not enough fluid.
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    Air bag Light coming on

    Did you guys know?? That the Airbag control Module is directly under your cup holder? I swamped mine in a lake (pretty much) anyway it was full of water and when I took everything out to remove the carpet I realized that mine was covered in old Coffee and dirt/Dog hair. It's in a bad spot IMO...
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    E-Brake Light.

    So I have a 04' with OME springs927/948 with Rancho 9000xl shocks and just recently put on a set of JBA sway bar disconnects and started wheeling places that I have never really tried to go before. The problem is when the rear of my KJ flexes around near its limit the E-Brake light comes on, and...
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    electric fan question

    Just clean out your rad on a regular basis trust me It is worse than you think in there. Remove the electric fan and wash water through both ways.
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    J.E. Reel CV Axle Upgrade

    My original and I mean Original Mopar units lasted 178,000KM before they where in need of being replaced.
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    Is 22" too much for the front Hub to Flare

    I'm at 22.5" right now 15'000KM on the lift and no problems. I replaced my CV's when I did the lift as they where shook.
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    Rad Fan Problems With Mud

    IMO go out wheel the hell out of it push it too the limit where ever you feel safe doing so, MUD to Rocks bring it on. but never and I mean never complain about breaking stuff because it only broke on account of your own choices.
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    Carr steps/boards

    I work for a Light Truck parts place and IMO the Carr steps look good on a Libby tho I don't have any pictures of them on the one I saw, but I have seen 3 sets come back smashed or cracked, They Seriously limit your off-road capability and also are Really Really low if you are not lifted. In...
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    06 rene grille guard????

    I had a GG on my 04' and it toasted everything when we hit a corrola. I find it looks way better without it now..... If you're looking for a light mount talk too LibertyFever.
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    KJ Run in Atlantic Canada

    hahahahaha I know the Little jeep feeling I followed a TJ with a 350 and 37's on the last run I was on for about 3 obstacles that kinda sucked. Yeah pretty much all the Libby's out here are Spacered...... or old farts running summer 245's
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    Burping Gas

    I'm pretty sure you can just clear the vent hose. The easy way is to learn your vehicle and only fill it the appropriate amount. I had too after having the Libby Repainted.