has anyone checked gas prices in the last 2 days?

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KJ Supporting Member
KK Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2006
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on here
I paid $3.29/gallon yesterday for regular unleaded at Sunoco to feed the Pig.....errr I mean Jeep..

Some observations.......

Hess and No Name up the street were the same price. But the Village Market 7/11 No Name gas was MORE that the name brands....$3.33......Go figure. Nothing makes sense anymore.

Exxon Station was $3.36 and Mobil station was $3,39 (Same gas - same Co. - both right next to each other - go figure). Always the highest by .10 and still busy. Go figure.......People go to the most expensive place and then complain.

The pig is in the garage sleeping until I poke it with the ignition key. I am driveing the car more and more.



New Member
Jan 28, 2007
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Ohio for now
Kiss my gas

Well since the whole political thing came up....

1. After Bush took office gas prices went from $1.60 or so to $3.00+
2. Bush, his family, friends, advisors and VP are all former oil men.
3. The Federal gas tax is roughly .65 cents per gallon.
4. The average state gas tax is roughly .45 cents per gallon.
5. There are currently 0 hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico.
6. Oil demand is beginning to lessen with all of the hybrid cars on the road.


Vote Democratic this November and fill your Jeeps for a lot less next year.


Full Access Member
Feb 19, 2008
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Mt. Rainier MD--right by Wash DC
Well since the whole political thing came up....

1. After Bush took office gas prices went from $1.60 or so to $3.00+
2. Bush, his family, friends, advisors and VP are all former oil men.
3. The Federal gas tax is roughly .65 cents per gallon.
4. The average state gas tax is roughly .45 cents per gallon.
5. There are currently 0 hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico.
6. Oil demand is beginning to lessen with all of the hybrid cars on the road.


Vote Democratic this November and fill your Jeeps for a lot less next year.

You phrased much more diplomatically than I would have :D


New Member
Jan 28, 2007
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Ohio for now
Well it is a Jeep forum after all. But the decisions our leaders make (for their own greed) affect what we drive and how often. I'm on vacation today and would love to take my Libby out and play with her.

But at $3.55 a gallon right now there is no way. These aren't just cars but a part of who and what we are. Why should we not be able to drive them as much as we please? There is perfect symmetry between the rise of dum@ss in the Oval office and the rise in gas prices. Yes there are market pressures which affect oil prices but not to this degree. Just watch, in the next month or two the oil companies will again announce record quarterly profits. Do you know where those record profits come from? Your wallet.

Take a stand, and vote for an administration that isn't going to work to inflate oil prices for their cronies, families and friends.


New Member
Jan 28, 2007
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Ohio for now
Hmmm....let's see if you are right.

They would lower gas prices, stop American jobs from being shipped overseas, help all Americans obtain health insurance, fund stem cell research to prevent and treat disease, work to lower tuition for college. Guess you are right that a stronger country and economy would ruin the country.

While I am not exactly in favor of pulling our troops out of Iraq right now, we could work to reduce the 1 BILLION DOLLARS A MONTH we are spending there. Ok, let me be more clear. Each month, 1 BILLION OF YOUR TAX DOLLARS is being spent on Iraq. Are you an Iraqi citizen or something sir? Republicans complain about the handouts democrats give the poor. Yet, here we are giving away 1 BILLION DOLLARS PER MONTH TO IRAQ. Seems to me, this money, or some of it could be used in our freakin' country. You are American and patriotic correct? They why would't you want your country to be taken care of first?

Look, I'm not a fan of Hillary or Barack. But I look at it this way: Would I rather elect someone I don't like who will fight for my country and fellow Americans, or would I rather vote for yet another self-serving Republican? I am quite conservative by conscience, morals and beliefs. However, my number one belief is that my country and countrymen come first. Period.

If you voted for Bush, don't complain about gas prices because it was your fault. You put him and his oil buddies in office and in power to **** your finances, ruin your country and rob you blind. Are your taxes lower with Bush? Are you paying less for gas, college, food, healthcare, housing or interest rates? Umm...no. See, politics is pretty easy.

Under Bush and the Republicans credit card companies have run amuck with interest rates, oil prices are fixed and going higher, healthcare is more expensive, the housing market has crashed. See, historically Republicans have worked only for big business which is great if you are a CEO, already rich or in oil. If you don't fall into those groups you are the "little guy". As the little guy, they have their way with you because you are weak, poor, blue collar etc.

So as big business owns you, controls what you pay, how much and when, you still complain. I'm not saying Democrats are perfect (heck no they aren't) but you have to consider whose interests they have in mind. Ruin the country? Go fill up your Jeep now and tell me if it doesn't cost over $50. See, when the country has less disposable income, less money is spent on products and services. Companies make less money and create less jobs. With less jobs there is less tax revenue for Federal, State, county and city services. How many new policemen has your city hired this year? Are your bridges, highways and dams crumbling too?

So in conclusion my friend you and everyone like you are patently misinformed and wrong. You might not like the other two, you might disagree with some of their stances on issues. But the question is would our country be better off with them? Unless you are rich, a CEO or in oil the answer is YES. Happy fill up!


Full Access Member
Dec 17, 2006
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Somewhere between being sane and insane!
Go fill up your Jeep now and tell me if it doesn't cost over $50.
I just did about 30 min ago,cost me $14(I've got the CC slip to prove it),and I put in premium.I only put in maybe $20 a week of gas in my KJ,and yes it's my DD.Anyway's I never let it go below a 1/2 tank anyway so I never have put more then 9 gallons in the tank so it really doesn't bother me to much.

You want bad fuel prices oversea's it is much worse,a guy over on L.O.S.T. that is stationed in Germany just paid a $167 to fill his CRD,$8.36 a gallon,off base since they do not sell deisel on any US military base.

Each month, 1 BILLION OF YOUR TAX DOLLARS is being spent on Iraq.
60% of that is the 130,000+ troops paychecks.
Last edited:


New Member
Jan 28, 2007
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Ohio for now
Two points:

1. The gas prices in Europe and overseas in general are unimaginable. You are correct.
2. So I will assume your math is correct. That means roughly 400 million dollars per month or nearly 5 billion dollars per year is being spent to rebuild Iraq. Over the course of the last 7 years that is 35 billion dollars. That is a lot of money either way.

This isn't a discussion about Iraq at this point. The point I am making is that our current administration has not worked to protect you and I from exorbinant gas prices because they are oil men. They have owned oil wells, worked for oil companies etc.....

What that means is they have worked to artificially raise the cost of crude oil. I believe that is called colusion. Maybe you are one of the lucky cats who doesn't need or want to drive much. Lucky you right? However, the same philosophy which has allowed "them" to jack up oil prices can also be seen in banking, housing, healthcare etc.

We love our Jeeps and we want to drive them not just to work but for fun right? Well, don't we have a responsibility to ourselves to elect officials who are going to look our for our interests instead of Exon, BP, Shell etc...?


Full Access Member
Dec 6, 2005
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Minneapolis, MN
Okey Dokey, when is the commodity collapse gonna go ahead and happen so I can fill up my tank at $0.99/gal and buy a 24kt chain for $29.99? lol3.gif

Wishful thinking, I know.

But no seriously, when the heck is this collapse gonna happen?

No one ever knows for sure... that is why some people make a fortune in the market & others lose their shirt. But if I were invested right now, I'd consider selling. Last time gold got to a record high of about $1200 it dropped to around $300 in a very short time frame. Same happened to gas prices at the same time (early 1980's).


Full Access Member
Dec 6, 2005
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Minneapolis, MN
Well since the whole political thing came up....

1. After Bush took office gas prices went from $1.60 or so to $3.00+
2. Bush, his family, friends, advisors and VP are all former oil men.
3. The Federal gas tax is roughly .65 cents per gallon.
4. The average state gas tax is roughly .45 cents per gallon.
5. There are currently 0 hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico.
6. Oil demand is beginning to lessen with all of the hybrid cars on the road.


Vote Democratic this November and fill your Jeeps for a lot less next year.

How do you... or can you, LOGICALLY come to that conclusion? I know it's what you HOPE will happen, what you FEEL will happen, but how can you THINK it will happen?

The first 5 of your observations are total non sequiturs, & the 6th, just makes no sense at all.

1. Bush took office during a recession, all economic factors where changing. as the recession was ending 9/11/01 happened.

2.So is Al Gore & some in his family. Do you really think there are no "oil-men" either in or supporting the Democrats?

3 & 4. So you're saying that fed & state governments have the power to drop the price of gas $1.10 per gallon instantly? I'd rather be paying $2.27 per gallon, how about you?

5. Hurricanes cause an immediate spike in prices, this is a gradual increase in price...Which is seasonal by the way, the price will rise until Memorial day stabilize until mid July then begin a gradual declinefrom there. Happens every year.

6. So what? As I pointed out earlier, there is no supply issue. It is a phenomenon known as irrational exuberance. It caused the Dot Com bubble & burst, It caused the Real Estate bubble & now we are in the burst. At the onset of just about every recession in history, people flock to commodities. That forms a bubble & it eventually pops...we are in that bubble. That said, in the big picture, there aren't that many hybrids out there, and they only show their benefit under certain situations. Furthermore, oil is used to make far more than gas. The keyboard that you are about to type with is made of petroleum for instance, most plastics is from crude, as are tons of other items you'd never think of.

So I ask you this:

Will raising the gas tax that YOU pay at the pump make gas cheaper? because that is what a Democrat will do.

Will raising the corporate tax on profits that producers pay (the $30 billion in my chart) lower prices? That's what the Dems say they'll do.

Will restricting where & when we can get at our own natural resources lower prices? That's what Dems will do (unfortunately some Republicans too).

Will fixing the price of gas lower the price, or cause shortages like they did in the 1970's? That's what a Dem would do, & FWIW I'd rather pay a high price for gas than not be able to buy gas at all.

So please tell me, how would a Obama or Clinton administration solve this issue?
Feb 5, 2008
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we all know that this is a combine fault of 9/11, GWB, this stupid war, and hugo chavez being a d***. voting democratic will help but other things like getting oil refineries in the gulf back to 100%, will help too. the gas hike right now is due to oil refineries, bush, and spring break.


Kombat Edition Jeep
Nov 20, 2004
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Harrison Township, MI
Oh man you're right, I forgot about Spring Break. Yeah that does have some SLIGHT reason why it has increased a bit. Not entirely, but a few cents...


Full Access Member
Dec 6, 2005
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Minneapolis, MN
They would lower gas prices, No they won't, they can't. stop American jobs from being shipped overseas, No they won't, their policy of high corporate taxes is what largly pushed industries over seas in the first place. The US has the second highest corporate tax in the world. help all Americans obtain health insurance, and you think healthcare is expensive now, wait until it is "free," & the government is going bankrupt & they are rationing services... that's what is happening in the UK, Canada & other "free" systems. fund stem cell research to prevent and treat disease, This is a total farce; Stem Cell research is funded in the US,both public & private. Ebryonic stem cell research has restrictions on public funding, but private funding is flowing freely & the research is happening in the US. FWIW, embryonic stem cells are not showing any promise, the hope is entirely on the adult stem cell research. work to lower tuition for college. How?by raisingtaxes to pay for volunteer "work"? I guarantee you, tuition will continue to rise as long as students can get the money, particularly from government loans & grants Guess you are right that a stronger country and economy would ruin the country. Again, hopes & feelings, with no basis in fundamentals. The Republicans could have been better stewards while they were in power, but their sin was starting down the trail of liberal policies, the solution is turning around & leaving the woods, not electing some one who will drag us farther in to the morass.

While I am not exactly in favor of pulling our troops out of Iraq right now, we could work to reduce the 1 BILLION DOLLARS A MONTH we are spending there. Ok, let me be more clear. Each month, 1 BILLION OF YOUR TAX DOLLARS is being spent on Iraq. Are you an Iraqi citizen or something sir? Republicans complain about the handouts democrats give the poor. Yet, here we are giving away 1 BILLION DOLLARS PER MONTH TO IRAQ. Seems to me, this money, or some of it could be used in our freakin' country. You are American and patriotic correct? They why would't you want your country to be taken care of first? The last number I heard was actually 1.5 billion per week which is $78 billion a year. As TJKJ pointed out about $47 billion is salary, which will not change no matter where are troops are. So $31 billion
to the war... The Federal budget is $3 trillion, so the war is about 1% of the budget. Obama's plans are estimated to cost an additional $900 billion per year... so let's subtract 30 billion for ending the war, Obama will cost our economy a net $870 billion increase... which means his first year will cost about $4 trillion dollars. Were you saying something about a strong economy?

Look, I'm not a fan of Hillary or Barack. But I look at it this way: Would I rather elect someone I don't like who will fight for my country and fellow Americans, or would I rather vote for yet another self-serving Republican? I am quite conservative by conscience, morals and beliefs. However, my number one belief is that my country and countrymen come first. Period. Then voting Democrat is not the solution. you don't thing that throwing out these goodies is a form of vote buying? These people seek power, the government is the source of that power & they want to make the government more powerful... how would voting for that be caring for your countrymen? I'll vote for anyone who wants to shrink the power of government so it's not invading every aspect of my life, or yours for that matter.

If you voted for Bush, don't complain about gas prices because it was your fault. You put him and his oil buddies in office and in power to **** your finances, ruin your country and rob you blind. Well, I already addressed this. Are your taxes lower with Bush? Uh, Yes they are! & I'm not rich either, right now the lowest 50% of all income earners pay NO income tax. I paid 20% this year, under Clinton, I paid 28%, & I am making more today than then. Are you paying less for gas, No, but I addressed this before too. college, Price of every thing went upwhy should college be different? food, Again, Commodities. That & we are burning our food in our gas tank. that decreases supply of food we can eat, which increases food prices, who's forcing people to use ethanol... oh yeah, the government! If you think this policy will change under a Democrat, you are wrong. healthcare, American's spend more money on dining out than on healthcare. Why is it a bad thing to pay for your own health? We need to help those who can't get any coverage but that should not include socializing the system. It should be in the hands of charitable organizations like the United Way & other private concerns... including hospitals. housing or interest rates? Both of these are much lower than before Bush. Umm...no. See, politics is pretty easy. Well, it's harder than you thought, but a little knowledge & logic goes a long way!

I'm not even going to bother with the rest, I have things to do.
Feb 5, 2008
Reaction score
nice rant. good points. the one thing i get upset about it toyota. they have cars that get 28 mpg. buy a jeep patriot. 4wd and 28 mpg. toyota will own either ford or gm by 2010


Full Access Member
Dec 6, 2005
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
we all know that this is a combine fault of 9/11, GWB, this stupid war, and hugo chavez being a d***. voting democratic will help but other things like getting oil refineries in the gulf back to 100%, will help too. the gas hike right now is due to oil refineries, bush, and spring break.

We do need more refineries, not old refineries back to 100%, but more refineries. But there is absolutely no way a democrat in office will change fuel prices. I'm not saying that prices will stay high with a Democrat, but that their policies will not lower the price.

I can almost gaurantee you that prices will fall within the next 8 years, no matter who is in office. But that will be the result of the commodity bubble bursting, not political policy. Under a typical liberal economic policy, they will not drop as far as they would under a typical free-market economic policy. Problem is, while Obama & Clinton will give us typical liberal policies, I doubt McCain will give us free-market policies... But I'll have to hold my nose, because I know were screwed with a liberal policy, & I'd rather take my chances.


Full Access Member
Dec 6, 2005
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
Here's another way to look at it:

I paid $3.37 per gallon last night.

The "Big Oil" producer took a 7% profit from that gallon, or $0.24 per gallon, X 15 gallons = $3.60

The Government took an average of $1.10 in taxes, X 15 gallons = $16.50

The Government will also tax the "big oil" producer 40% of their $3.60 profit, which is another $1.44 for the government.

The "big Oil" producer walks away with $2.16 in after tax profit.

So I'm out $50.55
Government made $17.94
"Greedy big oil" made $2.16

If "big oil" gave me all their after tax profit back, my tank full would still have cost me $48.39, or 3.23 per gallon.

So where is the REAL profit going? Not to "big oil" but to BIG GOVERNMENT!

If GWB has been bought off by "big oil", "big oil" got screwed!


Full Access Member
Dec 17, 2006
Reaction score
Somewhere between being sane and insane!
Here's another way to look at it:

I paid $3.37 per gallon last night.

The "Big Oil" producer took a 7% profit from that gallon, or $0.24 per gallon, X 15 gallons = $3.60

The Government took an average of $1.10 in taxes, X 15 gallons = $16.50

The Government will also tax the "big oil" producer 40% of their $3.60 profit, which is another $1.44 for the government.

The "big Oil" producer walks away with $2.16 in after tax profit.

So I'm out $50.55
Government made $17.94
"Greedy big oil" made $2.16

If "big oil" gave me all their after tax profit back, my tank full would still have cost me $48.39, or 3.23 per gallon.

So where is the REAL profit going? Not to "big oil" but to BIG GOVERNMENT!

If GWB has been bought off by "big oil", "big oil" got screwed!
Oh just wait till a Dummycrap takes over and that $17.94 will get inflated to about $27.94.

Oh I'm not a Republican or a Dummycrap,but I don't like dummycraps at all.

Where is Ross P.,we need a person you can make a company turn a profit(the goverment).Plus his ears where really HUGE,good to make fun of.


KJ Supporting Member
KK Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2006
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on here
Here's another way to look at it:

I paid $3.37 per gallon last night.

The "Big Oil" producer took a 7% profit from that gallon, or $0.24 per gallon, X 15 gallons = $3.60

The Government took an average of $1.10 in taxes, X 15 gallons = $16.50

The Government will also tax the "big oil" producer 40% of their $3.60 profit, which is another $1.44 for the government.

The "big Oil" producer walks away with $2.16 in after tax profit.

So I'm out $50.55
Government made $17.94
"Greedy big oil" made $2.16

If "big oil" gave me all their after tax profit back, my tank full would still have cost me $48.39, or 3.23 per gallon.

So where is the REAL profit going? Not to "big oil" but to BIG GOVERNMENT!

If GWB has been bought off by "big oil", "big oil" got screwed!

KJPilot.......That's a good way to look at it. Years ago they used to post it all at the pump and you could see the dollar amount breakdown and it would make you mad so they stopped doing it. Most people don't realize the amount of taxes that are added to the per gallon price. It is OBSCENE.

tjkj......yea, Leno and Letterman would have a field day with Ross P's ear jokes if he were President.....haha



Full Access Member
Sep 18, 2004
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Northeast US
3.21 here today,

If I had shopped around I might have found it for 3.15/16, but would have had to go out of my way.