Went up a nearby city canyon road, from near 5000 feet asl to the top, Skyline Drive 10,000+ fasl, then back down the other side to the east. Big beautiful reservoir out there all surrounded by mountains. I had brought a Subway (RegTM, etc) with me out there. The young man making the sandwich called me old man. That's a privilege. A lot of men never get to be called old man. Ate at a picnic table by the reservoir.
The Jeep performed nicely, just climbing right up the hills, and bouncing reasonably over the gravel, sand, rocks and rock road.
One thing, I had cleaned the button switch under the tali gate lift latch, the one that opens the glass. But now I've notice that it has filled up with dust. That fine sandy dust that rises off the road as a vehicle rolls along over it.
So it's operating intermittently again.
Still haven't opened the door, or got a part number for just the switch. Only the whole latch asseembly, which I don't need.