Finally, found the time, energy & enthusiasm to do something, not a lot but after 2 weekends of zilch, at least I've broken the pattern.
Wanted to move it to improve access but couldn't be bothered to manoeuvre the XJ into place to jump it again so ran the battery charger out to it, but a few hours later still wouldn't start so took battery out, hooked it up, so come Friday when I return only have to turn it on, so should've had at least 12 hours by time I'm ready to play again next Saturday.
Whilst in that area, finally got the cooling system bleed screw loose, lubed & re-tightened. No problems in that dept. but didn't want to have a problem when the time inevitably comes (it's been steeped in penetrant for must be a month now).
Extracted the remains of the right front ABS sensor, thanks to very recent D&Einthegarage U-tube video. Not as easy as that suggested but at least I started with an idea - & it did work, ultimately. That means the caliper, pads, bracket & rotor are off on that side, so some small progress has been made towards replacing the diff. At this rate, it's going to be a long, slow job - but, at least I've made a start (at last).
Oh, & while sitting on the kerb, just behind front hub, I noticed ghosting where the "Cherokee" script had been on the front doors, suits me, I've never been able to think of it as a Cherokee - but must try to get rid of that ghost outline. Funny, I'd noticed no "Jeep" on the back door but not this, but then, I've never paid much attention to the exterior &, apart from pressure washing it once, I've always has it cleaned.