So, made a start on replacing the passenger window & regulator over the weekend.
Got the door card off with no issues, despite not being able to find the right tools, didn't break any clips although, oddly, one of the sockets ought to be replaced (don't suppose they're as readily available but, hopefully, XJ ones are the same).
Then the fun part began: clearing out all the glass from the bottom of the door. Oh for a suitable vacuum cleaner, but after far too long on my hands & knees, with gloves, an old 2" paint brush & yards & yards of gaffer tape the job was finally done - or so I thought.
Sunday, removed the regulator, not too bad a job but then, of course, I didn't have the window to have to cope with - which means, of course, I really have no idea how to fit the replacements. 1st though, remove all the glass that had fallen into the bottom of the door with the disassembling or I hadn't previously been able to see or find.
Also in the door bottom was the part that had become detached from the regulator in my struggle to remove it. It's the part the glass locates in & the groove is full of glass apparently bonded in place. Fortunately, the replacement glass has its own, although incomplete (compared with the original) - & it's bent slightly; really hoping that doesn't matter, as not looking forward to straightening it without breaking the glass. So that's something to look forward to next weekend, then the task of getting it all into the door.